Shalom Brothers and Sisters (whether you are Black, White, Asian, Jewish, Arab, Hispanic, or otherwise). All of us must know the truth about our true Creator --Yahweh Elohim- and His True Son-- Yahshua The Tribal Israelite Messiah from Judah. Stay informed by subscribing to our FREE updates by filling out the subsciption box to your right. We must all take courage and point out the Eurocentric Jesus lie to reveal the true tribal Messiah named YAHSHUA. One thing I can't stand is for someone who call themself a pastor, reverend, bishop, or evangelist as he/ she preach to the people the mainstream Euro-centric version of a Bible written by a Black tribal people called Hebrew Israelites. This is a crime against Yahweh Elohim Himself--a crime called "B.I.T." (Biblical Identity Theft). It robs the actual Israelite people (Black Community) of our role in the Bible and in history. This crime against heaven is compounded all the more when Black Pastors preach the status quo's version to their own people, which then deceives the Black Community even more. When the real tribal Israel (which is the house of prayer to all nations) is robbed of our own life-giving knowledge of our own biblical identity, we become so dumbed-down that we turn into a den of thieves and a degenerate plant (Mark 11:17 + Jer 2:21). This is the reason our Black Community is so divided and destroyed: Both our true Hebrew Israelite identity and our Israelite Messiah (Yahshua) have been stolen from us and taken over by another group, as it is written (Deut 28:64 + Deut 28:68). Life to the Black Community will be restored when enough of us return to our true Creator named Yahweh Elohim and to our Savior named Yahshua, and return to our Hebrew Israelite roots as taught at (Malachi 4:4-6). Taking Positive Action I don't care how "unpopular" the truth is in a world that crave lies that have become the norm. I love Yahweh Elohim Yahshua and you too much to allow the lie to go unchallenged. Guided by the Holy Spirit, I've put together a body of evidence to prove the case that the Black Presence has always been in the Bible but due to a specific kind of racism called "Legalized White Supremacy Ideology," the Black presence was replaced by a White presence that forced Black people to call Whites "MASTER." We all know during the master-slave relationship, Legalized White Supremacy Ideology was based on lies to keep the White power structure ruling over Blacks. The lie taught that Blacks, by nature, are inferior to Whites; and Whites are, by nature, superior to Blacks. As a result, White society oppressed, segregated, minimized, and removed Black people, Black achievment, Black history, and removed Blacks from Bible itself to satisfy the Euro-centric mainstream. Now that we have reached the end of the age, the real tribal Messiah (Yahshua) will speak His revelation of His FULL IDENTITY through His tribal relatives--the real Israel. Therefore, our beautiful brothers and sisters from the White Community of this generation must escape the giant "White Lie" and the wrath that comes with it by hearing the end time message from the children of slaves just like in Africa/ Egypt (Exodus 12:38-40). The lie of LWSI has been passed down to this generation since the Christopher Columbus slave-owning generations. Truth is: Yahweh Elohim is the Creator; Yahshua is the true tribal Messiah; and the former tribal Black slaves are the real tribes of Israel (Rev 18:13).
What Would Yahshua The True Messiah Want You To Do? My aim is NOT to spark a racial issue but to resolve an already destructive and deceptive racial issue that has been ongoing for hundreds of years. I know for a fact that Yahweh Elohim Yahshua would never authorize any group, Black or White, to commit the lie of Biblical Identity Theft. True people of the faith must discern that the Creator Himself will be with anyone who would dare stand up in brotherly love against the giant lie of the religious mainstream to defend the truth of Yahweh Elohim Yahshua and the real 12 Tribes of Israel. And I say again, the real tribal people of Israel are Black people--the children of the 400-year slave trade (Gen 15:13-14 + Acts 7:6-7). Our heavenly Father--Yahweh Elohim-- is counting on Y-O-U to stand up for the truth and overcome the mainstream version to inherit all things (Rev 21:6-7). This is the true message of the Gospel of Yahshua The Messiah, and is the testimony taught at Yahshua University to all who fellowship with us. Stand up for the truth and don't accept the lie. Let's return the Black Presence to the Bible. I say again, "Let's return the Black Presence to the Bible. Shalom and I love you. Yahshua's Redeemed End Time Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON OUR LIVE EVENT CALL Monday Night 8:00 PM (EST) (209)647-1600 Code: 842535# (Don't forget to subscribe to our FREE email updates in the box at the upper right corner of the blog).
Shalom Brothers and Sisters ! Praise Yah and welcome to 2012. Needless to say that I am soooo excited that our Heavenly Father, Yahweh Elohim, has chosen you and I to see another year when so many others were not called to make it this far. Apparently, this means that we have been given more time. And more time means more grace. And more grace equates to us having a purpose that we must realize and fulfill while we still have time. From this perspective, we really don't have any time to waste. (Show support simply by leaving a comment in the comment box below) What Is Your New Year's Revolution? Yes, I said revolution NOT resolution. Every year we hear people making their New Year's Resolutions, which so often never materialize. The reason that so many resolutions are not fulfilled is because words are cheap and action is precious. This is why it is written, "Faith without works is dead" (James 2:14-18). So, if you're not a doer of the word, but a hearer only then the resolutions that we set each year will not be fulfilled. What is needed is an outright personal revolution. The word revolution is defined as a complete turn around; a major change. For a resolution to become real you must first have an inner change. Your mind, your thinking, your belief level must all make a radical shift. An inward major change must take place--a personal revolution is needed. some may call this new shift in thinking "re-inventing yourself" or a "personal makeover." Even the Bible supports this radical idea of personal change. Have you ever heard of being transformed, having a renewing of the mind? (Romans 12:2) Or, what about putting on the new man? (Ephesians 4:24) And if we don't take heed to the word then there is the old "Let the dead bury their dead" (Luke 9:60). Let's not be the walking dead and live out 2012 in a dead-minded state where this year is no different from last year or the year before that. Stay Tuned For More in 2012 For 2012 my personal revolution is to take and to the next level of enlightenment regardless to what the opposition has to say. The goals for Yahshua 1) To live the Hallelu-Yah life more abundantly 2) Stand against the mainstream religious system more loudly with the truth 3) Impact more lives with the true Gospel of Yahshua the Messiah 4) Help others to refuse being a spiritual slave to the status quo's Greek Jesus Christ 5) Show more love and compassion for others than I did in 2011 Stay blessed in Yahweh Elohim Yahshua Brothers and Sisters (whether Black, White, Jewish, Arab, Asian or otherwise). Know that Yahshua truly love you and is now drawing you unto Himself (James 4:8). And if you haven't already done so, subscribe to our free email updates by going to the subscription box located at the upper right corner of this page. Shalom, Yahshua's Redeemed His End Time Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch Shalom Brothers and Sisters! I pray that you are feeling as great as I do right now, despite all of the many troubles I know that you're facing. As we move along our journey through this life, let's not lose sight of THE most important fact: Our Creator, YAHWEH ELOHIM, so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son--YAHSHUA. And guess what? Whosoever (whether Black, White, Hispanic, Jewish, Arab, or otherwise) will believe on the Son of Yahweh Elohim will have everlasting life (John 3:16). (Stand up and get involved in the truth by leaving your comments to this blog post in the comment box below. Thank you) When Facing Crisis, Why Should You Still Feel So Blessed? Though life may get you down sometimes, and things may have you down right now, just know that you don't have to live the defeated life. A temporary setback isn't the same as defeat, even though sometimes it might feel as though you've been defeated. Take it from me, I've been to that place many times myself. Ask yourself: "What has you feeling down right now? Yahweh Elohim Yahshua already know that it might be that your car is acting up and it's going to cost a lot in repairs--money that you don't have. He also know that the repo man may be on his way at any minute to take back your vehicle or even your furniture. Our dear Heavenly Father also realize that you also could be facing eviction or foreclosure. The Savior even knows when your electricity, water, and gas are overdue and are about to get turned off this week! Did you or a loved one just get some bad news from the doctor? Well, Father Yahweh knows about that too. Did you recently experience a death in the family? Despite all of these trials and tribulations you are NOT defeated! No matter what the chaos might look like and no matter how cloudy things may look for you right now-- always remember that SOMEBODY, a real live HUMAN BEING volunteered to die a brutal death just so that you could bounce back from life's setbacks--Bounce Back From Life's Setbacks. True Unconditional Love: When a HUMAN BEING volunteered to take my punishment at Calvary, 2000 years ago, the least I can do is to honor Him in FULL IDENTITY without replacing Him with a man-made identity. Think about the many stages of suffering He endured for you and I. 1) He was sold for 30 pieces of silver-- the price of a slave 2) He was falsely arrested like a Black slave 3) He received no justice in 5 separate court hearings like a Black slave 4) He was beaten by the Roman police soldiers like a Black slave 5) He was even bull-whipped in public like a Black slave 6) He was spat on, despised, and rejected of men like you hate and segregate a Black slave 7) He was stripped of His clothing and dignity like a Black slave stripped of culture, humanity, language, etc 8) He was injured by thorns like a Black slave pricked with thorns in a cotton field 9) He was forced to struggle with the backbreaking burden of a heavy cross like a Black slave forced into backbreaking labor from sun-up to sun-down 10) Though He was innocent, even a murderer (Barabbas) was released from prosecution while He went to death row just like a Black slave who is killed and the murderers are not prosecuted 11) He had metal placed on His hands and feet like a Black slave who is chained, shackled, and handcuffed 12) He was hanged from the wood while Gentile soldiers gambled and partied at His dangling feet like a Black slave who is lynched from trees and the murderers pose and smile for the camera at the dangling feet of a Black man or Black woman 13) His Creator-Giving Angel-Delivered name of Yahshua was stolen and then replaced with a European name of Iesous Christos, then Jesous Christos, into the now popular Jesus Christ just like when the family name of a Black slave is stolen and then replaced with the European names of slave owners like Murphey, Simmons, Jenkins, Washington, Jefferson, etc (Luke 1:30-31 + Philippians 2:9-11 + Acts 4:12) YAHSHUA THE TRUE MESSIAH IS THE GREATEST! The lesson here is simple: When an innocent man, a human being from a tribal people, volunteered to die the brutal death of a Black slave, taking our punishment that you and I already know that we deserve-- the least we can do is to thank Him by overcoming the Identity Theft and honoring Him in His FULL IDENTITY that is "non-man made." Yahshua is the master of the come back. After all of the brutality and injustice the He went through, He rose again on the third day. He want you to know that by Him overcoming the world, you can also overcome when you turn from the world's (Greek Jesus) version of Him to accept the real Him -- YAHSHUA. (John 16:33 + Rev 21:6-7). Yahshua is a Hebrew Israelite from the tribe of Judah. His true ethnicity and skin color is Black. That's right, He is a Black man and the evidence of this is revealed in the slave manner inwhich He was killed and how His tribes have been dying in like manner from 1565 to 1965, according to the Hebrew Israelite scriptures (Gen 15:13-14 + Acts 7:6-7). Brothers and Sisters, Black and White, the greatest man to ever walk on Earth is Yahshua The True Messiah. This is the man robbed of His Identity by Gentiles, being given the false identity of Greek named Jesus (Acts 4:17-18 + Acts 5:28 + Acts 5:40 = John 5:43). Yahshua died the death of a Black slave for all of us--Black, White, Jewish, Arab, Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Native American, etc--no bigotry, hatred, or racism. This is why the highest praise that anyone can give to YAHweh and YAHshua is Hallelu-YAH, which as you can see has His name embedded. (Also see an earlier post on HalleluYAH by clicking here). (Psalm 68:4) Let's all come to receive Yahshua the true Messiah in His FULL IDENTITY by overcoming the world's version of Him. Shalom and I love Y-O-U P.S. Please feel free to leave a comment to this post. If you haven't already done so, subscribe to our FREE email updates in the box in the upper right corner of this page. To hear the full 2-hour radio broadcast and analysis of how two "Similiarly Situated" death-row inmates, Troy Davis vs Samuel Crowe, were treated differently click the button above. Also, Subscribe to our FREE updates in the box at the right. Download a FREE printer friendly version of this flyer to pass along. Just click the photo. Click this link to see The Samuel David Crow Report "For the invisible things of Elohim from the creation of the world are CLEARLY SEEN [MOVIES], being understood by the things that are made [MOVIES], even His eternal power and Godhead; so they are without excuse" (Romans 1:19-20). Brothers and Sisters, you ever see a movie where no one else seemed to get the deeper meaning but you? If the Bible tells us (human beings) to examine the daily life of an ant (an insect) to learn certain truths that can help us (people) then certainly the invisible things of Yahweh Elohim Yahshua can be heard and seen through movies that are made also (Proverb 6:6-11 + Romans 1:19-20). The Book of Eli is one of my favorite movies as it cleverly unveils key mysteries about Yahshua The True Messiah, which only those of us (His Servants) having an eye to see and an ear to hear can understand with our hearts (Rev 10:7). When the mainstream has removed the Black presence from the Holy Bible, a Bible written by the hands of a tribal people (Black Israelites) that did NOT come from Europe, Yahshua will have no choice but to reveal His truth out in the open in front of millions--even in movies. All nations and tongues will hear the truth without bigotry, hatred, or racism. However, that truth about our tribal Messiah named Yahshua will come from His own tribes-- the Black children of slaves aka The Real Israel. Once again slaves will bless the world just as we did in Africa, in a place called Egypt, around 1450 BC (Exodus 12:38-41). I first posted this blog inside of where it was well received by the Yahshuacafe' Family. Because of that positive response, I've decided to share this movie revelation with the whole world. Only if this blog has been a blessing and an eye-opener will I ask that you forward this to also enlighten others. Shalom and 1Love. Quick Summary: This movie takes place in a not to a distant future after mankind had destroyed itself with nuclear weapons. Out of the devastation comes a man named Eli (Denzel Washington) who is traveling on foot headed "West" to deliver a very special book. With this special book mankind has a chance to start again. However, along the way Eli must deal with a lawless gang led by a ruthless leader who is desperately searching for the special book and who would stop at nothing to get a hold of it. As their paths cross, Eli finds himself in a life-and-death struggle to protect the book as he journeys "West." Points of Revelation To Pay Attention to: 1. Eli (a Black man) is walking by faith, not knowing exactly where he is going in a post-apocalypse world 2. With very little food, clothing, shelter....Eli stays the course no matter what. Straight focus. 3. We learn that the lawless gang is unsuccessful in locating a special book that is now extremely rare 4. We learn later on in the movie that the rare book is actually The Holy Bible, which is being carried out "West" by Eli, which makes him a target 5. Eli reveals that there was a "WAR" and all Bibles were destroyed, which made "the word of Yahweh precious in those days" I Sam 3:1 (This war reveals the present war today that has also removed the FULL IDENTITY of the Father, the Son, and The Real Israel--Gal 1:6-9) 6. Eli said that "He heard a real voice speak to him from within (pointing to his chest cavity) that told him where to find the last Bible on earth, and to take it out west, and that he will be protected from harm." (This revealed that our bodies are living temples for the Holy Spirit, as written.; and is exactly what I experienced on June 22, 1994 at 3:50 in the afternoon-- Philippians 2:9-11). 7. Many that came into contact with Eli recognized his "special anointing" (The Light) and were drawn to him--- The young woman and her mother, plus the ruthless leader and his main henchman. 8. As Eli walked in the Word he was unbeatable-- a living SIGN showing that Elohim is with us. 9. Eli taught a young Gentile woman how to pray who then taught her own mother about prayer (which shows how the Real Israel will teach and bless all nations and tongues how to pray and honor Yahweh Elohim Yahshua without bigotry, hatred, or racism). 10. The large Bible had a lock on it and needed a key to open it, which Eli alone had. (This revealed how the mysteries of the Bible can only be unlocked by chosen Israelites and not by the Gentiles-- Deut 29:29 + Rev 10:7 11. Even when the Gentiles broke the lock, they still couldn't read the words of understanding. (You will have to see the movie to understand why). This shows that only the chosen Israelites from the Real Israel will be allowed to read the REVELATION that will then be given to all nations--Rev 22:9-10. 12. Even though he had been shot and was dying, Eli did not lose faith as he continued his course, no matter what. He finally made it out "West" where he found a whole community of Spirit-filled people living together. This was a type and shadow of the New Jerusalem. 13. With the only Bible on earth in hands of the wicked, who could not read it anyway, all hope appeared lost. This shows that even when the religious elite and mainstream scholars have access to the book, they still will not be able to see it clearly and will need Israelite guidance, NOT vice-versa. 14. Then came the REVELATION: Eli knew every word in the entire Bible from memory! The Living Word was inside of Eli--a Black man. This shows how we must know Yahshua's testimony and have His name written "INSIDE" our foreheads-- Rev 22:3-4 + I Cor 15:1-4. 15. Eli recited the entire Bible as "White" members of the community wrote down every word and then began to re-print the Holy Bible as directed from the version of a tribal Black man. "Behold, I make all things new" Rev 21:5. 16. As Eli recited the Bible, he was dressed in a White Robe, in fine linen, which is for the righteousness of the Saints-- Rev 7:9 + Rev 19:8. 17. Eli went on to his rest after he had completed his task, and his works followed him-- Rev 14:13. 18. The Gentile woman who helped Eli became a believer and then joined the fight to spread the Gospel just as Eli had instructed her and had prayed for her -- Genesis 12:1-3 + Gen 26:4 + Gen 28:14. 19. Eli was a very meek and humble man, until provoked. He would always try to talk the enemy down and give a warning. He would say, "I don't want any trouble." He also said about himself, "I'm no body." -- The meek shall inherit the earth -- Matt 5:5. 20. When a Black man, Eli, was chosen to become the "Guardian of The Book," at the end of civilization, this is a sign and a hint from Yahweh Elohim Yahshua pointing to the FULL IDENTITY and the mission of the Real 12 Tribes of Israel at the end of the age . What's The Recommendation? I highly recommend this movie. Denzel mastered this role as though he was meant to play it. The key message that comes across loudly is: "When you are on a mission for Yahweh, don't let no one and no thing turn you around--- no matter what!" The mission at both and is to declare to the world that The Creator is Yahweh Elohim; that the FULL IDENTITY of The Messiah is Yahshua, a tribal Black man from Judah who had been robbed of His name and identity by the status quo; and that the Real Israel are the children of the 400-year slave trade prophecy from 1565 to 1965 . (Gen 15:13-14 + Acts 7:6-7 + Deut 28:68 = Rev 18:13) The Book of Eli is one of my favorite movies. I pray that your eyes have been opened, and that Yahshua our true tribal Messiah from Judah has been honored and glorified. For more free updates subscribe in the box located above; and leave a comment. 1Love & Shalom Just another day in the life of Yahshua's Redeemed End Time Oracle-- Servant Emannu'el Branch Welcome to another no fluff-no bigotry-no substitute Yahshua adventure and quest for the truth with the Yahweh Family for the benefit of the larger global Yahweh Family. I'm Servant Emannu'el Branch and this is as Gospel-Real as it gets. (Show someone some love through your response to this pro-Yahshua Blog--John 13:35) Shalom, Brothers and Sisters. I'm writing this to post to let everyone know that is now up and running! Hallelu-Yaaaaahhh! Here is the link This is the latest addition to the Yahshua University Ministry. As Yahshua continues to bless this FULL IDENTITY outreach, it was now time that there was a private members-only social site where only those who study at Yahshua University and who participate on our Family Fellowship Call on Monday Nights can gather and learn. I guess you can say this is our very own Facebook, and is specially designed for Yahweh Elohim Yahshua believers. Though we've just launched the site, community members are already creating forums, groups, profiles, blogging, networking, teaching, praying, and building up the kingdom of Yah. Personally, I'm just having a ball in amazement as I see Yahshua moving and doing His thing. It is really a blessing to be a part of "The Revelation" as He fulfills His purpose and plan through us--His Real tribes of Israel. The vision for the site i sto serve as an online retreat where the Family of Yahshua can meet, fellowship, learn and grow among positive like-minded others. It is here that we mature spiritually and exclusively in the word of Yah without any negative influences of the mainstream religious system. This is the cyber-home of the end time revelation that will bless all the meek of the world who will overcome the status quo to listen to the testimony of the true Messiah--YAHSHUA. How To Join Our Enlightened Fellowship At 1) You must overcome the mainstream Lord, God, Jehovah, Jesus, Allah and then return, exclusively, to YAHWEH ELOHIM and YAHSHUA 2) Study our foundational message at Yahshua and 3) Participate on our Family Fellowship Call on Monday Nights at 8:00pm (EST) (712) 432-3900 + Access Code: 7509625# Just another day in the life of Yahshua's Redeemed --Servant Emannu'el Branch. Until our next adventure, always Hallelu-Yah and holla back if you hear me.
Get Involved By: a) Writing your own comments to the issue in this blog that are unique, one-of-a- kind, and empowering to readers b) Subscribing, in the box at the top of this page, to our FREE inspiring weekly email updates -- if you haven't already subscribed. Thank You; Love and Peace I hear that it is always a blessing to see another year. However, I would like to add that it may not be a blessing for anyone other than to ourselves if we are NOT doing what we can to also enrich the lives of others. Time is much too precious and far too short to waste it on trying to figure out which perfume is the the sweetest, which fashion is the latest, and which vehicle is the most prestigious. Truly, life has to be more than just the accumulation of stuff and the over-indulgence in self-gratification. As I sit and write these very words of truth, there is a child somewhere fighting for their life while someone else is arguing at a fast food cashier for not putting ketchup on their burger. While a family of five have been evicted from their home, a clerk at a bowling alley is being cussed out by a patron whose bowling lane wasn't turned on fast enough. While someone else just found out that they have terminal cancer, someone at a nearby church is fighting over a parking space. I could go on and on about the husbands and wives that constantly bicker over which one left the top off of a $2.00 tube of toothpaste or the inlaws that hate the son-in-law or daughter in-law after fifteen years of marriage and three grandchildren later. Without much effort we always can find something worthless to fight about. For 2011 how about seeking something worth while to care about. With this new attitude I'm sure it won't take long before we find someone who could benefit from an extra smile, a hug, or a helping hand that only you can deliver. Let's think a lot bigger this year and let's not look for change but rather let's be the change. Happy New Year from the team at Yahshua University. Perhaps, this year, you and I may bump into each other at a hospital, a jail or a shelter as we visit someone in need. Yahshua's Reedemed End Time Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch P.S. If this post has any value in your eyes, please add a comment, which could empower others. Thank you. Our Monday night teleclass is officially scheduled from 8:00 pm to about 8:29 pm then the Q and A session begins. However, on this night the crew didn't get off the call until nearly 9:15 pm! I'm telling you that no one wanted to leave. Praise Yah 100 times! Now what was the magic that made this happen? No magic. No one rushed to leave the call because of four key reasons: 1) The long long anticipated appointed time of the revealing of the mystery has finally arrived, just as Yahweh declared to all of His Israelite servants the prophets, Hallelu-Yah (Rev 10:7 + Romans 8:21-23) 2) The members of “Yahshua’s Fellowship” realizes that there is something terribly wrong with mainstream traditional religion and the doctrine of men that has taken over the church body--hypocrites (just as it is written) (Matt 15:7-9 + Mark 7:6-7) 3) The fellowship has a longing for the truth about our true Israelite Messiah, that actual tribalistic man from Judah that volunteered to suffer and die so that we all might live through His true name and His FULL IDENTITY (John 1:12 + Philippians 2:9-10 + Rev 5:5) 4) As it is written, the elect are now being gathered together in Yahshua's FULL IDENTITY. Getting on this call with like-minded others of the "True Way" is an experience where they know they were divinely guided to this message of the "4 WINDS" at the right place at the right time. (Mark 13:27 + II Thess 2:1-3) Our weekly Yahshua fellowship teleclass at is the escape and the falling away from the mainstream man-made version that has made all the nations drunk with false doctrine and modern day idolatry. For this reason John the Israelite revelator had to write the following warning to this generation: "Come out of her my people and NO LONGER part take in her sins so that you will NOT receive her plagues." (To come out of her my people is the same thing as the falling away, first, from her). (Rev 17:1-2 + Rev 18:3-4 = II Thess 2:3) Don't miss the next exciting Yahshua Fellowship Call. The Israelite blowing of the "universal" truth to bless all families of the earth will sound again, live, next Monday night at 8:00 pm [EST]. Join the movement. Bring someone with you. And let's celebrate Yahshua's return together. Dial (712)432-3900 and then the access code 7509625#. May Yahweh love you forever; may Yahshua keep you throughout all time; and may I see you at the throne wearing your white robe with palms in your hands. Yahshua's Redeemed End Time Israelite Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch P.S. If this blog post has been helpful to you, I invite you to add value to it by clicking the word "comments" located at the top of this blog and then post a comment. Thank you, and I love you. What Is The Worst Sin of All Time? You might think that the worst sin that a person could commit is murder. Nope. Drug dealing? Nope. Car jacking? Nope. Believe it or not, the worst sin ever is for mankind to become so wise in the pants that men would dare to reach up into heaven, tear down the original and everlasting name and identity of the Creator and His Son, and then carve-out their own man-made name and identity of the Almighty Father and His Son. The Holy name of the Father and His Son are names they had ages and even trillions of years before the Creation of heaven and earth (Proverb 30:4). Such a name change to what is clearly supposed to be the Alpha and the Omega that "CHANGES NOT" is to commit the crime of identity theft against the Creator Himself. This is nothing less than blasphemy at the highest level. As it is written, man has already changed the truth of Yahweh Elohim and Yahshua into a lie (Romans 1: 21-25). This is why the original Yahweh was turned into lies such as Johnny-come-lately Jehovah, Lord, and God and why Yahshua was changed into Jesus. Today you can no longer plead innocent that you didn't know the truth. You now know that it is blasphemy to reject the original name of Yahshua and then replace it with the Eurocentric Greek Gentile name of Jesus. If Yahshua had not sent me to tell you the truth then you would have an excuse and a cloak to hide behind; but now that you know the difference between Yahshua and Jesus you no longer have an excuse (John 15:22). You must now either overcome the world to Yahshua or remain guilty before Yahweh with the rest of the whole world that has been deceived by the dragon (Romans 3:19 + Rev 12:9). No longer be a victim of a blasphemous identity theft. I love you. Stay Blessed. And welcome to the end of the age... for real. Yahshua's Redeemed End Time Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch P.S. Holla back if you hear me. |
February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories