Shalom, Yah Fam Nation. As you may already know, there is a rise in Polygyny--one man married to several women at the same time. Most of the men advocating this multi-women lifestyle are justifying it using the Holy Bible. This means that souls are on the line. Instead of offering salvation and righteousness to women, men with Bibles are offering the bedroom. Across social media I see more and more women becoming a part of this lifestyle. By the grace of Yahshua The Messiah, I've together a teaching series on this subject showing how Yahweh is NOT a Polygynist but is actually a "MONOGAMIST". This is the righteous example our Creator has set for us to follow rather than the example of multi-women partners. From the beginning Yahweh made one man and then just one woman. This monogamist precept will be illustrated by Yahweh Himself from Genesis to Revelation--from cover to cover so that we will be without excuse. The Yahweh Method: 1 Man + 1 Rib = 1 Wife & 1 Flesh
Here are 6 main [weak] arguments used to justify Polygyny 1. Pervert Yahweh and Yahshua into a POLYGYNIST: This is following the devil's hatred (John 15:18-25) 2. No Direct Verse: There is no direct verse that actually says, “Thou shall NOT practice Polygyny”. 3. Holy Men Examples: They use Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon—men who had more than one wife—as their examples. If they could do it, so can we. 4. David’s Punishment Speech: Yahweh was punishing David and said that He would have given David even more and such and such. (II Samuel 12:7-14 vs Deuteronomy 17:17) 5. The 10 Virgin Parable: They misuse the 10 virgins meeting the 1 Bridegroom as a license to be Polygynist. (Matthew 25:1-11) 6. Professing Themselves Wise: They sound scholarly going to the Greek, Latin, Hebrew and being loud and boisterous (Romans 1:21-25)
Shalom, Yah Fam. Let's end this "secular year on a strong note. Do you want to have a closer relationship with Yahweh Elohim and Yahshua? You can accomplish this by getting into His word every day. Join us on this month's 8 Core Daily Reading Plan. We will be reading from The B-List, which includes the book of Exodus + Joshua + John + Acts. Each day we will read one chapter from each book. We look at today's date and read the chapters for that date. After you have read the assignment for the day, you will check in on the blog by stating something simple like, "I've completed my reading assignment for the day." If you'd like you may even write the one verse that really stood out to you for that day. The first 10 days of December 2018 The Next 10 Days of December (11th -- 20th) |
February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories