![]() Shalom Brothers and Sisters! I pray that you are feeling as great as I do right now, despite all of the many troubles I know that you're facing. As we move along our journey through this life, let's not lose sight of THE most important fact: Our Creator, YAHWEH ELOHIM, so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son--YAHSHUA. And guess what? Whosoever (whether Black, White, Hispanic, Jewish, Arab, or otherwise) will believe on the Son of Yahweh Elohim will have everlasting life (John 3:16). (Stand up and get involved in the truth by leaving your comments to this blog post in the comment box below. Thank you) ![]() When Facing Crisis, Why Should You Still Feel So Blessed? Though life may get you down sometimes, and things may have you down right now, just know that you don't have to live the defeated life. A temporary setback isn't the same as defeat, even though sometimes it might feel as though you've been defeated. Take it from me, I've been to that place many times myself. Ask yourself: "What has you feeling down right now? Yahweh Elohim Yahshua already know that it might be that your car is acting up and it's going to cost a lot in repairs--money that you don't have. He also know that the repo man may be on his way at any minute to take back your vehicle or even your furniture. Our dear Heavenly Father also realize that you also could be facing eviction or foreclosure. The Savior even knows when your electricity, water, and gas are overdue and are about to get turned off this week! Did you or a loved one just get some bad news from the doctor? Well, Father Yahweh knows about that too. Did you recently experience a death in the family? Despite all of these trials and tribulations you are NOT defeated! No matter what the chaos might look like and no matter how cloudy things may look for you right now-- always remember that SOMEBODY, a real live HUMAN BEING volunteered to die a brutal death just so that you could bounce back from life's setbacks--Bounce Back From Life's Setbacks. ![]() True Unconditional Love: When a HUMAN BEING volunteered to take my punishment at Calvary, 2000 years ago, the least I can do is to honor Him in FULL IDENTITY without replacing Him with a man-made identity. Think about the many stages of suffering He endured for you and I. 1) He was sold for 30 pieces of silver-- the price of a slave 2) He was falsely arrested like a Black slave 3) He received no justice in 5 separate court hearings like a Black slave 4) He was beaten by the Roman police soldiers like a Black slave 5) He was even bull-whipped in public like a Black slave 6) He was spat on, despised, and rejected of men like you hate and segregate a Black slave 7) He was stripped of His clothing and dignity like a Black slave stripped of culture, humanity, language, etc ![]() 8) He was injured by thorns like a Black slave pricked with thorns in a cotton field 9) He was forced to struggle with the backbreaking burden of a heavy cross like a Black slave forced into backbreaking labor from sun-up to sun-down 10) Though He was innocent, even a murderer (Barabbas) was released from prosecution while He went to death row just like a Black slave who is killed and the murderers are not prosecuted 11) He had metal placed on His hands and feet like a Black slave who is chained, shackled, and handcuffed 12) He was hanged from the wood while Gentile soldiers gambled and partied at His dangling feet like a Black slave who is lynched from trees and the murderers pose and smile for the camera at the dangling feet of a Black man or Black woman 13) His Creator-Giving Angel-Delivered name of Yahshua was stolen and then replaced with a European name of Iesous Christos, then Jesous Christos, into the now popular Jesus Christ just like when the family name of a Black slave is stolen and then replaced with the European names of slave owners like Murphey, Simmons, Jenkins, Washington, Jefferson, etc (Luke 1:30-31 + Philippians 2:9-11 + Acts 4:12) ![]() YAHSHUA THE TRUE MESSIAH IS THE GREATEST! The lesson here is simple: When an innocent man, a human being from a tribal people, volunteered to die the brutal death of a Black slave, taking our punishment that you and I already know that we deserve-- the least we can do is to thank Him by overcoming the Identity Theft and honoring Him in His FULL IDENTITY that is "non-man made." Yahshua is the master of the come back. After all of the brutality and injustice the He went through, He rose again on the third day. He want you to know that by Him overcoming the world, you can also overcome when you turn from the world's (Greek Jesus) version of Him to accept the real Him -- YAHSHUA. (John 16:33 + Rev 21:6-7). Yahshua is a Hebrew Israelite from the tribe of Judah. His true ethnicity and skin color is Black. That's right, He is a Black man and the evidence of this is revealed in the slave manner inwhich He was killed and how His tribes have been dying in like manner from 1565 to 1965, according to the Hebrew Israelite scriptures (Gen 15:13-14 + Acts 7:6-7). Brothers and Sisters, Black and White, the greatest man to ever walk on Earth is Yahshua The True Messiah. This is the man robbed of His Identity by Gentiles, being given the false identity of Greek named Jesus (Acts 4:17-18 + Acts 5:28 + Acts 5:40 = John 5:43). Yahshua died the death of a Black slave for all of us--Black, White, Jewish, Arab, Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Native American, etc--no bigotry, hatred, or racism. This is why the highest praise that anyone can give to YAHweh and YAHshua is Hallelu-YAH, which as you can see has His name embedded. (Also see an earlier post on HalleluYAH by clicking here). (Psalm 68:4) Let's all come to receive Yahshua the true Messiah in His FULL IDENTITY by overcoming the world's version of Him. Shalom and I love Y-O-U P.S. Please feel free to leave a comment to this post. If you haven't already done so, subscribe to our FREE email updates in the box in the upper right corner of this page.
![]() Dear Brothers and Sisters in the struggle for truth, freedom, justice, and equality-- I'm writing this post not in sadness that we lost one of our dear sisters to cancer, but to celebrate an extraordinary life of fighting the mainstream for justice. Sister Martina Davis Corriea passed onto glory yesterday (Dec 1, 2011) after a long battle with cancer. The battle that really spoke to her legacy had nothing to do with cancer but rather with the battle she so courageously fought -- the battle against the gigantic legal system that had convicted, imprisoned, and sentenced her brother, Troy Anthony Davis, for more than twenty years on death row on circumstancial evidence. Troy Anthony Davis was "executed" on Sept 21, 2011. Think about that for a moment........ more than 20 years of fighting a multi-billion dollar legal system of judges, attorneys, politicians, wardens, media, courts, etc. A struggle to end the death penalty and a system that would seek to take the life of anyone, especially, when no physical evidence existed but only circumstantial evidence and multiple recanted testimonies of witnesses who lied in court, while a similarly situated White death-row inmate was removed from death row even though physical evidence existed along with a confession. Fighting the mainstream is one thing, but what happens when your own people join the status quo and fight against you also? ![]() This is struggle our dear Sister Martina faced for so many years. When so many voices of prominence, from within the Black Community, came out against her cause and struggle for justice--she never gave up. When Black ministers and so-called Black leaders turned a deaf ear and cowardly walked away from lending their support--- she persisted. When Black clergy members spoke in her favor "in private meetings" but would NOT speak out with her publically--she simply knocked the dust off of her feet, picked up her cross, and continued the good fight. Despite Black opposition from so-called Black leaders (and you know who you are) Sister Martina showed through her actions and committment to justice that she "out-led" much of the "recognized status quo-endorsed" Black Leaders. Many times when she and I met, she spoke of her disappointment with the vast majority of "Black Leadership" --- men and women who looked the part and dressed the part but would not stand up to live the part. This is NOT an attempt to discredit any Black clergy member. Those few (from the local Savannah Black Community) who gave their support and were not afraid of any backlash from the status quo are to be commended. True leadership is prepared to stand against injustice. However, those Black leaders that chose to remain "safe Negroes" by not going against the mainstream view, well, they just revealed the "Toby" that is still alive and well within their plantation hearts. Despite much opposition Sister Martina attracted support that reached all around the globe, literally. Locally, The Savannah Chapter of The National Action Network (NAN) led by Sister Alicia Blakely, who was assisted by Brother Ivan Cohen, Sister Solana Plaines, Denise Chaney, and others came to her aid. Also assisting in the struggle were the Daughters of Mary Magdalene founded by Sister Marilyn Jackson, and The Geechee Institute founded by Sister Patt Gunn. ![]() What Are We To Learn From Sister Martina's Work Ethic? 1) Stand Up For Justice 2) Be Bold and Fearless When Facing The Opposition 3) Walk Alone Even When "So-called" Leadership Refuse To Act 4) Stay The Course No Matter How Long The Struggle Might Take 5) Despite Your Own Imperfections, Remain Faithful and True To Our Creator and Savior (Yahweh Elohim Yahshua) 6) Leave a Legacy of Love To Inspire and Enhance Future Generations 7) Receive Your White Robe Along With 7 Of The Most Powerful Words Ever To Be Spoken To A Human Being: "Well Done, My Good And Faithful Servant" ![]() Stay Blessed Sister Martina Davis Correia. Thank you Father Yahweh Elohim for allowing this Sister-Servant to shine your light upon our lives through her devoted struggle for justice. In a single word that I believe describes her best would have to be......"DETERMINATION." Sister Martina, you are truly determination personified. Know that the Yahshua University Family will love you always. Through your legacy, may we all be inspired and energized enough to move without fear of the maninstream elite and to never give up. 1Love and Shalom, Servant Emannu'el Branch Brothers and Sisters, I ask that you please grace this blog with your expressions of love for a devoted "Sister-Champion For Justice" such as this. I'LL NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!! |
February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories