![]() Shalom, Yah Fam Nation I truly appreciate you. Over the years I've been so blessed to be able to share with you the truth, the love and the power of Yahweh Elohim Yahshua. I've been broadcasting from the front lines teaching the Holy name of YAHSHUA THE TRUE MESSIAH since June 22, 1994 and love every minute of it. My prayer is that more souls than ever will come to the knowledge of Yahshua The True Messiah. Below is a portion of a one hour message, which I gave in 2010, that dealt with the importance of the true name of Yahshua over Jesus. That was a special class for me, which I would like to share with you. May Yahshua bless you through it. If you are moved in any way, please leave your comments below. This isn't rocket science When The Creator Himself takes the time to exalt a "specific" name for His own Son--a name above every name in heaven, in earth, and under the earth--this means that there isn't a name in all the universe that can equal such a name. We must remember that the name Yahshua is the "actual" name given by our Creator, YAHWEH, not the name Jesus. In fact, these two names don't have the same meaning and are light years apart. Yahshua is a compound word [name] which means YAH + SHUA--YAHweh is salvation . The name Jesus, however, is NOT a compound name and does NOT contain the name of our Creator, YAHweh, as Yahshua. See for yourself: NO part of the name Je + sus contains YAH, as in YAH + SHUA. No comparison whatsoever. Let's keep it real: It is written, "Neither is there salvation in ANY OTHER, there is NONE OTHER NAME [not even Jesus] under heaven, given [by Yahweh] among men by which we must be saved" (ACTS 4:12). "YAHSHUA IS THE TRUE MESSIAH; AND THE WORLD HAS TO KNOW." Stay blessed,
Yahshua's Redeemed His End Time Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch Again, if you are moved in any way, please leave your comments below.
![]() Shalom, Yah Fam Nation What an inspiring night of 12 hours of non-stop praise, worship, fellowship, learning, and celebrating Yahshua The True Messiah. This is what happens at Praise-athon with YahshuaUniviersity.com. Praise-athon 2017 made the 6th annual gathering. Held on the last Friday in the month of June, from 8:00 PM (EST) to 8:00 AM Saturday morning the Yah Fam Nation from around the world meet up by phone or by internet. Everyone is invited without regard to skin color or religious affiliation. We have a Praise-athon to honor Yahshua The Messiah when He underwent "His own" one-man Praise-athon when He followed His Father's will and was arrested at night, beaten, and then tried in three "kangaroo" courts all night long. He was alone then. But He is NOT alone now. Also, the event lasts 12 hours to recognize The 12 Tribes of the Real Israel (so-called Black People). It's held in June to recognize how Yahweh Elohim Yahshua, literally, came down and, personally, met with two men of our modern time-- Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley on June 6, 1930 and myself, (Servant Emannu'el Branch) on June 22, 1994. This is monumenatl!! ![]() Dr. Kinley and myself are both from the 12 Tribes of the Real Isreal, which is why Yahshua Himself, literally, met with us. We are two witnesses who received specific instructions that would bless all nations and tongues at the appointed time. Dr. Kinley was given the first half of the prophecy and I was given the latter part, for such a time as this. ![]() I thank the Yah Fam Nation who were able to attend this prophetic event. It was a privilege and a pleasure to serve you and to fellowship with you those 12 hours. The time went by so quickly. Before I knew it, it was over. Never forget the lessons learned nor the memories shared during the fellowship. You are a part of the history of the closing of this age. By being at Praise-athon, you're not on the bleechers; you're on the field where you belong. If it's Yahweh's will, we'll meet again next year for Praise-athon 2018 -- same Yah time, same Yah channel. Stay blessed, Yahshua's Redeemed His End Time Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch |
February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories