![]() Shalom Brothers and Sisters in the Holy name of Yahweh Elohim Yahshua- may you be Black, White, Asian, Jewish, Arab, Indian, or otherwise. The Yahshua University family have been following the tragic case of 17-year old Trayvon Martin who had been shot and killed in Orlando, Fl by George Zimmerman--a shooter that has not been arrested as of this post. As a result of this killing--allegations of injustice, racism, murder, and police misconduct has become the spark of heated controversy. Deuteronomy 28:50 curse is in effect: "A nation (Europeans) of fierce countenance, which shall NOT regard the person of the old, nor show favor to the young." Note: NOT all children of Europe feel this way. However, historically Black people have been so stigmatized where it has been common practice to brutalize, lynch, jail, shoot, and segregate us at will. In such an environment, the perpetrators are very seldom made to answer for their crimes...slavery, Jim Crow, Apartheid, police brutality, Driving While Black, and even merely Walking While Black. Here is the evidence that the prophecy is true. R.I.P. Young Brother Trayvon Martin Show your support by leaving a comment. ![]() Let's Take a Look At The Bottom Line Facts of The Case: 1. Trayvon Martin, Black male 17 years old walking through a neighborhood to his father's house (nothing wrong with that). 2. George Zimmerman, White male (possibly Hispanic) driving an SUV spots Trayvon walking (no climbing through a window and no breaking into a car.... just a walking). 3. George then calls the police to report that a Black male is "acting suspiciously." (Keep in mind that the Black male is still just a walking-- no purse snatching or anything just a walking). 4. The police instructs George Zimmerman not to confront the Black male (who still hadn't done anything illegal except to be WWB-Walking While Black). 5. Ignoring the police instructions, George exits his SUV then initiates a confrontation with Trayvon. 6. The confrontation escalates into what witnesses described as "wrestling." At the end, George fires two shots killing Trayvon on site. 7. George Zimmerman was armed with a 9mm handgun and Trayvon was armed with a pack of Skittles, which he just purchased from nearby store. 8. George Zimmerman then claimed he shot in self defense, which was all that is needed for the police to NOT make an arrest when an innocent and unarmed Black teen is killed. ![]() Watch The Chain of Events: The only person that had reason to fear for their life was 17-year old Trayvon Martin. He was in serious trouble the moment an already armed Zimmerman spotted him merely Walking While Black. Ask Zimmerman: Did you see Trayvon break down a door to a house? Noooooo Did you see Trayvon robbing someone at gunpoint? Nooooooo Did you see Trayvon sell drugs to motorists? Noooooo So tell us Mr. Zimmerman, exactly what did you see Trayvon doing so suspiciously that a) so compelled you to call the police on him; b) compelled you to ignore police instructions to NOT confront him; c) compelled you to leave the safety of your SUV; and d) compelled you to initiate a confrontation with him? After this chain of events, only then did Zimmerman gun-down a young Trayvon Martin in cold-blood and then claimed "self defense, self defense!" To make matters worst, the police did not arrest Zimmerman and refused to release the 911 tapes until the Martin family applied legal pressure. These actions only helped to shield and protect Zimmerman and is denying justice to Trayvon Martin (Black male). ![]() Conclusion: We are the Real Tribes of Israel outlined throughout the Holy Scriptures. We've been enslaved and evil treated for over 400 years, as it is written (Gen 15:13-14 + Acts 7:6-7 + Deut 28:68). The unprovoked profiling, criminalizing, and then murder of a teen Walking While Black is a testament to the truth that we are still "Strangers in a strange land." This type of killing and lack of justice will continue as long as the Real Israel refuse to claim our Biblical Identity. Awake Israel, awake in the name of YAHWEH ELOHIM YAHSHUA SHALOM and 1LOVE. FEEL FREE TO LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FREE UPDATES BY FILLING OUT THE BOX LOCATED IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER OF THIS BLOG.
February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories