Shalom, Yah Fam Nation. The night before the crucifixion of our Savior Yahshua He spent 12 hours going through the Last Supper, betrayal, denial, abandonment, arrest, interrogation, brutality and being tried all night long--His very own one-man "Praise-athon." One night a year (the last Friday in June) from 8:00 PM (EST) Friday to 8:00 AM Saturday we gather together by conference line for 12 hours to praise, worship, fellowship, and honor Yahshua The True Messiah just as He stayed up all night and suffered for you and I. True worshipers never forget. Praise-athon 2018 was an event to remember. Sister Z, and I, Servant Emannu'el Branch, always look forward to eating this spiritual meal with the Yah Fam Nation each year. Yahshua The True Messiah really has really blessed and sharpened this ministry over the years. Praise-athon 2018 is our 7th Annual Celebration. To tell you the truth it doesn't seem like it's been seven years of hosting this event.
During the 12-hour observance Yahshuauniversity students have the opportunity to showcase their gifts and talents which Yahshua has blessed them with (Matt 25:13-30). Students can recite original poetry, songs, raps, stories, testimonies, etc. It's an opportunity for them to bless others through their spiritual gifts. Yahshuauniversity celebrated its 7th annual 12-hour Praise-athon and can't to do it again next year. . I thank all who were able to attend the event, whether they made all twelve hours or not. Thank you for showing up and making an effort to endure. Your presence was very much appreciated. If Praise-athon brought any value to your life please leave a comment below. A little written brotherly don't cost a thing. Stay blessed. Yahshua loves you; and we're here for you. HalleluuuuYAH!!
Shalom, Yah Fam Nation. I want to start by thanking Yahweh Elohim and Yahshua The True Messiah for His grace and mercy. I thank the Sister Marilyn Jackson founder of the Daughters of Mary Magdalene along with Brother Ivan Cohen and Brother Bobby Simpson in their decision to choose me [Servant Emannu'el Branch of Yahshua University] as one the honorees at Juneteenth 2018 in Savannah, Ga. When I received the call to inform me of this award, I was stunned--taken completely by surprise. For those of us on the front line fighting for justice for our people and for righteousness, we know firsthand that this oftentimes is a thankless position with very little to no financial reward. Truth be told, we finance the struggle for others using our own funds from our own pockets. You may ask, "Then why do it at all?" Why? Because it is the right thing to do. This is the only way to truly live--by using your limited time on this earth to help others, to fight the good fight and to stand up for righteousness. This is the Yahshua in me. So, I fight the good fight of faith. Then there are those times, when you least expect it--a strange phone call alerting you to a rare gem, like a cool cup of water on a hot and dry desert walk--your years of hard work has been recognized. |
February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories