![]() Brothers and sisters from all nations and tongues, once again I love you enough to tell you the truth, which the mainstream church won't do. Participate on this blog by leaving your comments below. I would like to start off by declaring the truth: I, Servant Emannu'el Branch, am NOT the Messiah, nor am I the Savior of the world. However, I am Yahshua's Redeemed, His end time oracle--Servant Emannu'el Branch, at your service. This means that, yes, I am "a" child of Yahweh Elohim, and a servant of Yahshua The True Messiah Himself, as it is written (Rev 21:7 + Matt 25:21). I'm just a humble servant. Why am I starting this blog with such a strong declaration? The reason is to show the difference between righteous doctrine and false doctrine. Along this journey that Yahweh Elohim Yahshua has placed before me, I encounter a number of beautiful people who are, sincerely, looking for the truth, as well as those who are looking to further spread false doctrine. Just a few days prior to writing this post, I was contacted by a group whose leader claims to be (now get this) YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH Himself! Upon speaking with him, by phone, for approximately two hours, he made a number of statements that immediately disqualified him as Messiah. Though there were so many false teaching points made by this "gentleman" ---for me to speak on them all would take up too much time. I will list just the top 5 anti-messiah statements (written in RED) that he claimed, followed by my 5-point rebuttal. ![]() 5 Points of Evidence to His False Doctrine 1) He stated that "he is" Yahushua The Messiah in the flesh 2) He stated that he (Yahshua) did NOT die at Calvary 3) He stated that Yahshua and Jesus are two different people 4) He stated that the Bible is obsolete (which he explained is the reason he did not know the very scriptures that the prophets wrote about him --the Messiah) 5) He stated that he believe the word of the Mayans and the accuracy of their end time calendar (even though he did NOT know the word of the Israelite prophets) ![]() Here Are My 5 Rebuttals: 1. I told him that when the real Yahshua the Messiah returns, he will rise within our human body temples and will speak through our mouths, which is how he will cause every tongue to confess and every knee to bow to His sovereign name and majesty (Philippians 2:9-10 + I Cor 6:19 + John 14:20-23). This event I experienced for myself when it happened to me on June 22, 1994. 2. I told him that the real Yahshua did, indeed, die at Calvary and then rose again the 3rd day, according to the Hebrew Israelite Scriptures, which is the cornerstone of our faith in Yahshua The True Messiah (I Corinthians 15:1-4). 3. When he stated that Yahshua and Jesus were two seperate persons, it showed that he had no clue about the Gospel nor history. I explained that there was never a human being named Jesus Christ that Mary gave birthed to that later died at Calvary. Instead, Mary's Son--the actual man that went to Calvary and was put to death by the Pharisees and the Gentile Roman Gov't was a Black Hebrew Israelite named Yahshua. Afterward, under that same Eurocentric Roman Gov't the name of Yahshua was removed and then replaced with the European name of Iesous Christos. Also, under Roman rule, the Black Israelite ethnic features of Yahshua were taken down and painted over with European features---blonde hair, blue eyes, and White skin to match his new European name of Iesous (Acts 4:17-18 + Acts 5:28 + Acts 5:40 = John 15:18-25). I further explained that when the letter "J" was, finally, invented-- the name Iesous Christos evolved into the now popular European Greek name of "Jesus Christ." There is only one true Messiah (Yahshua) who was hated so badly that His true identity had been stolen and replaced by a lie named Greek Jesus (John 5:43 + Galatians 1:6-9). ![]() 4. When he said that the Bible is now obsolete, he revealed that he had been cunningly deceived and was in need of spiritual help. For starters, the real Messiah would never have said anything that would remove the importance of us knowing the scriptures. In fact, the real Yahshua calls us "fools" just for being slow to believe the word of the Israelite prophets and Moses--His Israelite relatives who wrote of Him (Luke 24:25-27 + Luke 24:44-45 + John 5:39-47). The scriptures are vital. 5. Now this was the straw that did him in. He told me that he was teaching end time predictions made by the Mayans. Among the predictions that he believed in was a so-called divine portal that is to open up on 11-11-11. This is to become a global awakening. (Apparently, there are some youtube videos talking about this event called the 11-11-11 Prophecy. I believe there may be a movie coming out on it as well.) As he spoke on this, I reminded him, "If you're really Yahshua the Messiah, then how can you dismiss the word of the scriptures that speak of you and then you turn around and uphold the word and predictions of the Mayans when the Mayans were idol god worshippers that practiced human sacrifices?" He was then speechless. You see, the real Yahshua would never tell you to believe the predictions made by "religious" people who worshipped gods other than Yahweh Elohim, specifically. No sir, no way would the True Son of Yahweh promote anything taught by the Mayans or any other group for that matter. Instead, the real Yahshua the Messiah will tell us to believe and serve only His Father-- Yahweh Elohim-- and Him alone, the only true Creator (Matt 4:8-10 + Luke 4:5-7 = John 17:3). ![]() Conclusion: I tried to end the call on a positive note. I, literally, begged and pleaded to save his life from his own undoing. He was committing blasphemy by claiming to be Yahshua The Messiah Himself. And to make matters worst, he has at least one follower that I know of-- a follower who is in as great a danger as himself. Will he heed my warnings and repent? Only time will tell. To prove that the Bible is true, I suppose there must be witnesses like this person claiming to be Yahshua The Messiah Himself in order to bring this prophecy to life: "For many shall come in MY NAME, saying I AM MESSIAH; and shall deceive many" (Matt 24:5). Just another day in the life of Servant Emannu'el. Until our next adventure, always Hallelu-YAH, and holla back if you hear me. Shalom, and LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU. If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to our FREE updates by filling out the box located in the upper right corner of this page. 1Love. Now you may leave a comment below.
February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories