![]() Shalom Brothers and Sisters (whether you are Black, White, Asian, Jewish, Arab, Hispanic, or otherwise). All of us must know the truth about our true Creator --Yahweh Elohim- and His True Son-- Yahshua The Tribal Israelite Messiah from Judah. Stay informed by subscribing to our FREE updates by filling out the subsciption box to your right. We must all take courage and point out the Eurocentric Jesus lie to reveal the true tribal Messiah named YAHSHUA. One thing I can't stand is for someone who call themself a pastor, reverend, bishop, or evangelist as he/ she preach to the people the mainstream Euro-centric version of a Bible written by a Black tribal people called Hebrew Israelites. This is a crime against Yahweh Elohim Himself--a crime called "B.I.T." (Biblical Identity Theft). It robs the actual Israelite people (Black Community) of our role in the Bible and in history. This crime against heaven is compounded all the more when Black Pastors preach the status quo's version to their own people, which then deceives the Black Community even more. When the real tribal Israel (which is the house of prayer to all nations) is robbed of our own life-giving knowledge of our own biblical identity, we become so dumbed-down that we turn into a den of thieves and a degenerate plant (Mark 11:17 + Jer 2:21). This is the reason our Black Community is so divided and destroyed: Both our true Hebrew Israelite identity and our Israelite Messiah (Yahshua) have been stolen from us and taken over by another group, as it is written (Deut 28:64 + Deut 28:68). Life to the Black Community will be restored when enough of us return to our true Creator named Yahweh Elohim and to our Savior named Yahshua, and return to our Hebrew Israelite roots as taught at www.yahshuauniversity.com (Malachi 4:4-6). ![]() Taking Positive Action I don't care how "unpopular" the truth is in a world that crave lies that have become the norm. I love Yahweh Elohim Yahshua and you too much to allow the lie to go unchallenged. Guided by the Holy Spirit, I've put together a body of evidence to prove the case that the Black Presence has always been in the Bible but due to a specific kind of racism called "Legalized White Supremacy Ideology," the Black presence was replaced by a White presence that forced Black people to call Whites "MASTER." We all know during the master-slave relationship, Legalized White Supremacy Ideology was based on lies to keep the White power structure ruling over Blacks. The lie taught that Blacks, by nature, are inferior to Whites; and Whites are, by nature, superior to Blacks. As a result, White society oppressed, segregated, minimized, and removed Black people, Black achievment, Black history, and removed Blacks from Bible itself to satisfy the Euro-centric mainstream. Now that we have reached the end of the age, the real tribal Messiah (Yahshua) will speak His revelation of His FULL IDENTITY through His tribal relatives--the real Israel. Therefore, our beautiful brothers and sisters from the White Community of this generation must escape the giant "White Lie" and the wrath that comes with it by hearing the end time message from the children of slaves just like in Africa/ Egypt (Exodus 12:38-40). The lie of LWSI has been passed down to this generation since the Christopher Columbus slave-owning generations. Truth is: Yahweh Elohim is the Creator; Yahshua is the true tribal Messiah; and the former tribal Black slaves are the real tribes of Israel (Rev 18:13).
![]() What Would Yahshua The True Messiah Want You To Do? My aim is NOT to spark a racial issue but to resolve an already destructive and deceptive racial issue that has been ongoing for hundreds of years. I know for a fact that Yahweh Elohim Yahshua would never authorize any group, Black or White, to commit the lie of Biblical Identity Theft. True people of the faith must discern that the Creator Himself will be with anyone who would dare stand up in brotherly love against the giant lie of the religious mainstream to defend the truth of Yahweh Elohim Yahshua and the real 12 Tribes of Israel. And I say again, the real tribal people of Israel are Black people--the children of the 400-year slave trade (Gen 15:13-14 + Acts 7:6-7). Our heavenly Father--Yahweh Elohim-- is counting on Y-O-U to stand up for the truth and overcome the mainstream version to inherit all things (Rev 21:6-7). This is the true message of the Gospel of Yahshua The Messiah, and is the testimony taught at Yahshua University to all who fellowship with us. Stand up for the truth and don't accept the lie. Let's return the Black Presence to the Bible. I say again, "Let's return the Black Presence to the Bible. Shalom and I love you. Yahshua's Redeemed End Time Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch ![]() JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON OUR LIVE EVENT CALL Monday Night 8:00 PM (EST) (209)647-1600 Code: 842535# (Don't forget to subscribe to our FREE email updates in the box at the upper right corner of the blog).
2/2/2012 02:00:54 pm
Amen my brother. I am with you and learning to express this valuable truth. I also have a broadcast here in Detroit. I pray to Yahweh, The Elohem of Israel, The God of Abraham Issac and Jacob through his son Yishuah the only true messiah. I have not learned it all but I know that this is His Holy Name. I plan to share as much as I can. May Yahweh bless you with more. Shaloam.
Sister Tabatha
2/4/2012 01:28:43 am
I was excited to learn that we are the twelve tribes of Israel and that there is evidence that proves we all started in Africa. We all must do our part to bring the truth back to the bible and to wake up the black pastors who speak every Sunday to our people and keep our people in the dark.The truth we all have if we would just pick up our bibles and study the word and seek the truth. Learning is power and we must never stop learning and seeking our heavenly father and his son whom it sent so that we all may have eternal life and salvation. Stay in the word and you will never go wrong. Stay blessed always.
9/26/2012 11:55:52 am
I've enjoyed your blog immensely and I hope to be able to join in for the teleconference on Monday evening. It's such a joy to find brethren in Yahshua the Messiah. I've been a minister of Yahshua the Messiah for almost 30 years - many don't realize the bible doesn't really make sense until you're using the correct names of the Heavenly Father (Yahweh), his son (Yahshua the Messiah) and the holy spirit which is also Yahshua (John 14:26). When Yahshua said you would be hated of ALL men for his name's sake - that is THE TRUTH. I'm loved as long as I'm sharing the true revelation of the scriptures but hated when I reveal (or baptize) in the true name as instructed by Yahshua himself that his disciples must do! However, it is the most glorious and honored journey to be chosen by the King of Kings to do his bidding. We are all definitely scattered throughout the entire earth but it's good when you find another family member!
Servant Emannu'el Branch
9/26/2012 12:52:26 pm
Shalom Sister Cathy,
Alexis Crute
6/22/2013 10:11:59 am
Does Yah travel in Ufos
9/25/2019 05:04:34 am
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February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories