Brothers and sisters, welcome to another no fluff-no bigotry-no substitute Yahshua adventure and quest for the truth with the Yahweh Family for the benefit of the larger global Yahweh Family. I'm Servant Emannu'el Branch and this is as Gospel-Real as it gets. (Show someone some love through your response to this pro-Yahshua Blog--John 13:35) The saying goes, "Be careful for what you wish for you just might get it." Well, that's exactly what happened to me in January 1994 when a little girl, about 8 years old, walked up to me while I was working security in a large department store. She asked me, "If you had just one wish what would you wish for?" A bit surprised that a total stranger, especially, a stranger as young as she would ask me something like this out of the clear blue... I decided to be nice and tell the truth. In a quick moment of time I thought about all the past due bills, job headaches, low pay, and that stuff. It would have been soooo easy to say $5,000,000! Funny, no matter how much I needed it then, money never entered my mind. Instead, I said, "If I only had one wish, I'd wish to be closer to GOD." Mind you, this was just six months before I learned about Yahweh Elohim Yahshua, from June 16 to June 22, 1994. Little did I know then that "GOD" wanted me to get to know Him face-to-face name-to-name in Full Identity--in a no fluff no bigotry no substitute kind of way. I'm talking about the real deal. Over the years I've come to understand the four simple revelations in getting closer to "GOD" -- strategies which you will NOT hear in the mainstream Jesus church. This process begin with you getting to know the "Four Basic Elements of Your Bible." Basic #1: Know who wrote the Bible, by name, and know how it was written. How can any pastor preach from the Bible and NOT recognize that the A-U-T-H-O-R and finisher of our faith has an everlasting and Holy name? Coming to grips with the SOVEREIGNTY of the name YAHWEH ELOHIM YAHSHUA is the the very first step in getting closer to the Father. (Hebrews 5:9 + Hebrews 12:2). Know the author of the Bible by His True name and identity-- the devine name He had "before" man got the nerve to changed it. It was revealed to me that every story, every movie, and every book identifies the author by name on the cover, except for the Holy Bible. No where on the cover of the Bible will you find our Creator's original and everlasting name Yahweh Elohim Yahshua. Do your own comparison. Pick up any book from the library or book store and you will certainly see the name of the author right on the cover, but not so with the Bible. Man's name is praised while Yahweh is robbed to His face! Instead of preachers teaching the people how to fear the great and mighty name of the Father and Son, mainstream religion has evicted the name Yahweh Elohim and Yahshua from the Bible and have replaced the Full Identity with a man-made European identity called Jehovah, Lord, GOD (which is DOG spelled backwards), and man-made Greek Jesus/Zeus. All man-made replacement names are blasphemies. Needless to say I no longer refer to our Creator as Jehovah, GOD, Lord, or Jesus but by His true name and title--Yahweh Elohim and His Son is Yahshua. And how did Yahweh Elohim Yahshua write the Bible? Yahweh used human typewriters called the real 12 Tribes of Israel to write the entire Bible. These tribal prophets and apostles were holy [Israelite] men moved by the Holy Spirit as they spoke (II Peter 1:20-21). Basic #2: Know and identify the main characters in the Bible Read any book or story and watch any movie and you will be able to identify the main character(s) within minutes. How in the world can pastors, world wide, quote Moses, quote David, quote Jeremiah, and quote Paul and not plainly identify which people and ethnic group they are actually talking about? We learn this as early as first and second grade. We know that the tribal Israelites were not Vietnamese, Russian, Eskimo, or Somoan. The ancient Israelites did not have blond hair and blue eyes like you see in the movies and painted on Vatican walls. The only reason the world believe that everyone in the Bible is White is because over the last 400 years our European brothers and sisters became superpowers upon the earth and overwhelmed the darker peoples of the planet with their weapons of mass destruction, which included their Eurocentric "version" of scriptures written by a non-European Black tribal people called Israelites. In other words, the children of Europe took ownership of someone else's scriptures [Black Hebrew Israelites], and then controlled the printing of the Bible, and then sailed across the world teaching their perspective of the Bible to the so-called "natives" every place they conquered. In their conquests, they exalted themselves into the hearts and minds of the "natives," being seen as the biblical Israelites, though they are not, just as many of them exalted themselves by forcing Black people to call them "master." To prove that many within the early generations of our White brothers and sisters had been decieved by pride, power, and self-exaltation, YAHSHUA Himself explained that the title "master" is a title reserved for Yahweh Elohim Yahshua and not for men (Matt 23:7-11 + Mark 7:21-23). Unlike our European brothers and sisters, the real 12 "TRIBES" are not to be recognized as the privileged slave master class but are to be identified as the lowly children of slaves who had been evil treated for 400-years (Genesis 15:13-14 + Acts 7:6-7). The real tribal people in the Bible are also described as being enslaved for 430 years on African soil in ancient Egypt (Exodus 12:40-41). The real tribalicious ethnic group were prophesied by Moses that they would go into slavery again but next time by slave ships (Deut 28:68). And if you're still not convinced, the real tribalistic Israelites must be seen in the last days [from 1565 to 1965] being sold as merchandise--like cattle, sheep, horses, chariots, and SLAVES (Rev 18:13). Conclusion: Not wanting to make this post too long, I will continue with the other two Bible Basics in next post. So be on the lookout. To grow closer to our Creator is to love Him with all of your heart, mind, and soul; believe on the NAME of His ONLY begotten Son; and have love for one another without bigotry, hatred, or racism (Matt 22:26-40 + I John 3:23). As you grow closer to the Creator in love, you will also realize that you must become "intimate" with knowing the basics of the Bible. Come to worship Him with a reverent fear of the Sovereignty of His name and Full Identity that has been kicked out of His own Bible (Deut 28:58). This means no longer disrespecting Him by referring to Him as GOD/DOG spelled backwards. No longer calling Him Lord, as in dukes and landlords of Europe. Instead, give His very name the honor and respect that it deserves by calling Him Yahweh Elohim, the original name He revealed to Moses (Exodus 3:15). Also, getting closer to the Creator is to know the actual Savior that was NOT only born from the children of Black slaves but who also became a slave Himself and even died the death of a despised and hanged Black slave to save all people--Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, Arab, Indian, etc. Oh, what a beautiful universal message of love that comes from the real Israelite tribes to bless the whole world! And to really know the tribal Savior from Judah, you must know the real ethnic group, an enslaved tribal people, that actually birthed the Savior named YAHSHUA the true fellow-enslaved Messiah. You also must know the Messiah's Full Identity--His Father's divine name, His real name, tribe, ethnic group, purpose, universal message, and lineage (Rev 5:5 + Rev 22:16). No longer being ashamed of the real tribal Messiah, we all need to come to the full knowledge of the actual man that did the dying for Black men and White men alike--Yahshua the tribalistic Messiah from Judah, the Son of Yahweh Elohim. Now you know. Repent and believe the truth and live. Yahshua love you. Holla Back and Let's Enlighten Others By Commenting, Subscribing and Forwarding: a) Writing your own comments to the issue in this blog that are unique, one-of-a-kind, and empowering to readers b) Subscribing, in the box at the top of this page, to our FREE inspiring weekly email updates -- if you haven't already subscribed. c) Forward this post to someone you feel might benefit from it. Thank You and Peace--Shalom! Yahshua's Redeemed His End Time Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch
February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories