Shalom Brothers and Sisters in the name of Yahweh Elohim Yahshua whether you are Black, White, Hispanic, Jewish or otherwise. Let's start by saying, "What would you have your son or daughter to do if while walking home they spot an adult stranger who is armed with a handgun watching and following them for no reason other than for the bias thoughts inside the mind of this unknown child stalker?" Would you have your son or daughter to slow down to see what this armed adult wants with them, or would you have them to run as fast as they could? Well, Trayvon Martin ran away when he noticed a large armed adult male stranger, George Zimmerman, following him in a vehicle and then on foot. If you were fleeing FROM an armed stranger and then the armed stranger searched for you and then located you and finally cornered you--what type of a confrontation could a reasonable person expect to occur? Yahshua is truly interested in equal justice for all of us--Black and White alike. An unarmed fleeing teen walking to his father's house is shot dead by an adult stranger that hunted him down and cornered him; and the shooter can claim self-defense. This is a lot more than mere injustice; this is pure evil incarnate. I am Servant Emannu'el Branch, and I approved this message. Show your support by leaving a comment. Thank you and 1Love. Subscribe to our FREE updates by filling out the subscription box on the upper right corner of this page. As we send our prayers to the Martin family, at such a time as this, there is no room for inflated egos, personal glory, and the me me me syndrome among leaders. Instead, it is a great honor to be a part of this national coalition to stand up for truth, justice, and righteousness in the Trayvon Martin Tragedy. It's time for unity in the community. The growing Savannah coalition and partnership against the injustices done to all of the Trayvon Martins across the globe consists of the following partial list: Women of Wisdom founded by Cheryl LaBon, Alicia Blakely the President of the Savannah Chapter of NAN (National Action Network), Alderman Estella Shabbazz, Alderman Mary Osborn, Thankful Baptist Church, Jonesville Baptist Church, First African Baptist Church, Rev Leonard Smalls of Litway Baptist Church, Yahshua University, and many others.
Conclusion: You cannot claim self-defense after the victim posed no threat to you and then they do everything they could to run away from you. If you go after them and search for them when you are not supposed to then the self-defense claim does not apply to the hunter. It is the one who is running away to avoid a confrontation that has the right to claim self-defense if the hunter stalks them, catches up to them, and then corners them. The 911 call proves that Trayvon had not committed a crime as he walked toward his father's house. All that Zimmerman saw Trayvon doing was simply walking. Zimmerman himself reported that Trayvon was running away. Not one time did Zimmerman say that Trayvon is coming to attack him.
February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories