Brothers and sisters, welcome to another no fluff-no bigotry-no substitute Yahshua adventure and quest for the truth with the Yahweh Family for the benefit of the larger global Yahweh Family. I'm Servant Emannu'el Branch and this is as Gospel-Real as it gets. (Show someone some love through your response to this pro-Yahshua Blog--John 13:35) Two Bible verses that many believers overlook are as follows: a) He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me (Matt 10:37) b) If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple (Luke 14:26) It took me a long time to really come to grips with the enormity of what those Bible verses actually mean. Yahshua don't mean for us to simply hate our family and friends. Instead, he merely want us to keep him first in our lives and not let anyone (family or friends) or anything else to block our growth process in getting to know the real Creator [Yahweh Elohim] and the real Messiah [Yahshua] and the uplift of humanity through the real tribal Israel. On my own journey I discovered, the hard way, that if you have a family member or loved-one that is trying to pull you down from Yahweh Elohim Yahshua you must find enough strength to sever that earthly relationship to preserve your name-to-name face-to-face relationship with Yahweh Elohim Yahshua. I don't want anyone to get me wrong. I have a beautiful wife. She is a very kind and spiritual person. She is not a bad person. It was just that she was pro-Jesus and me being pro-Yahweh Elohim Yahshua wasn't what she wanted. Therefore, she had difficulty overcoming the status quo church to walk the narrow path with Yahweh Elohim Yahshua in Full Identity. As a result, she was stubborn as *@%# as she fought against the specific and exclusive kingdom of Yahweh, which then divided our house of Yahweh. (And by the way, that's my wife in the photos with me). Here's a situation that you may be dealing with right now or perhaps you may face in the future--a situation I struggled with for 16 years: "What about a spouse who don't believe in Yahweh Elohim and Yahshua and it's causing a major division and conflict?" I've been there, done that. Even I lived in a divided household. I'm a 100% pro-Yahweh Elohim Yahshua servant that is dedicated to awakening the real Israelites to our covenant. Yet my wife was madly in love with the mainstream Jesus Church. Not to mention we were raising our son in a literal Yahshua vs Jesus household; and the struggle was constantly raging. There was all the bickering, the name-calling, the disrespect--all eating away at the faith. And to make things worst, I wasn't just a believer - I was the one chosen and given a direct revelation to grow and establish the end time ministry of Yahweh Elohim Yahshua. How was I to speak about full identity, love, unity, family, and fellowship when in my own home both Yahshua and Jesus lived at odds under the same roof? I couldn't take it. For years our marriage was held together with nothing more than chewing gum, string and a prayer. Our home life would remind you of American troops in downtown Iraq. It got so bad that I truly considered the divorce option about four or more times over our 16 years. To tell the truth, I didn't have the strength, then, to leave the responsibilty and the dream of a Yahweh Family. I still loved my wife and of course our son. And at the same time, the situaion, which we couldn't escape the way Joseph fled Potiphar's house, was literally destroying us--even bringing us both down to an ugly level. In fact, from 2003 to 2005 I was so drained emotionally, spiritually, financially, and physically from feeling like a fraud and a failure that I removed myself from the public's eye--no sermons, no meetings, no events.....nothing. Hopelessness, depression and despair had set in. I didn't realize it then, but I eventually learned that when you are in such a position you are being tested on "Just how much you really love Yahweh Elohim Yahshua; and how far are you willing to walk His path?" Will your unbelieving spouse win and cause you to return to the mainstream religious system? Will you choose to follow your spouse rather than to follow Yahweh Elohim Yahshua? Over the years I've learned that when you find yourself in a lion's den like this that 3 main options may come to mind: 1) You can pray and stay in a loveless situation and watch yourself grow old (a risk which could eventually cause you to implode and spiritually fall in some way if you're not strong enough to endure for decades) 2) You can grow in spirit and gain enough strength to trust walking alone with Yahweh Elohim Yahshua -- breaking away from a loved-one (spouse, child, parent, sibling or friend) that is dampening your shining light for Full Identity righteousness 3) Suicide --just end it all (which I don't recommend) To find out what happened to us in this situation, which could help you if you're facing a similar issue, be on the lookout for the next blog post in your email--that is if you have subscribed for our free updates by filing out the box on the right side of this page. Just another day in the life of Yahshua's Redeemed --Servant Emannu'el Branch. Until our next adventure, always Hallelu-Yah and holla back if you hear me. Get Involved By: a) Writing your own comments to the issue in this blog that are unique, one-of-a-kind, and empowering to readers b) Subscribing, in the box at the top of this page, to our FREE inspiring weekly email updates -- if you haven't already subscribed. Thank You; Love and Peace Yahshua's Redeemed His End Time Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch
February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories