We believe in the power of Yahweh's prophetic word and the evidence of the Holy Scriptures. at work in our present day.
Here at Yahshua-U, we are a life-saving community, devoted to saving millions of lives without any type of bigotry, hatred or racism. To fulfill this mission, we acknowledge that the real descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, according to the Holy Scriptures, must suffer and endure a 400-year period of slavery, evil treatment, racism, affliction, serve other gods, and become strangers in a strange land, becoming a a lost people. This process will ensure that the real tribes of the Bible will be seen by the world as the mentally dead dry bones in the valley, as it is written. There is only one ethnic group of the last 400 years that fit this prophetic description....so-called Black people. The word of Yahweh cannot lie. As the living dry bones, in the 21st Century, the real 12 Tribes (whose ancestors were once enslaved in ancient Africa's Egypt) must now come together, put on flesh, and have the breath of Yahweh's word preached to resurrect us from the mental and spiritual grave of the prophesied African Diaspora. Struggling to overcome the deeply entrenched lies of 400 years of White Supremacy, we as a people must get to the Promised Land by putting on the cloak of our Hebrew identity from which we were stripped. Returning to our Hebrew heritage is our birthright and super power. In this resurrected faith , all nations and all families of the earth will be blessed though our testimony of our Black-Hebrew Messiah -- Yahshua, who volunteered to die for all peoples, kindred, and tongues. Also, Yahweh will bless those who are brave enough to bless us. However, Yahweh will curse those who continue to curse us , hate us, see us as inferior, and call us the N-Word. It is from this sacred place – grounded in the Original, Pre-Heaven, Never-Changing, Non-man Made, A-to-Z (Yahweh, Elohim, Yahshua) – that we will help bring (only the meek) millions to repentance and salvation. These are called "The Meek Millions." Left behind will be the proud, the arrogant, and those who refuse to hear the faith [of Yahshua] that comes by hearing. Everyone is welcome to join us at Yahshuauniversity.com to learn, grow, pray, and celebrate the Son of Yahweh--Yahshua The True Messiah. We are all participants and actors in the Living Scriptures seen of all men and women like a global stage-play. Have a question, comment or concern? Click the link below. 1Luv; and Shalom! |