Shalom Brothers and Sisters; and welcome to Without any type of bigotry, hatred, or racism... I, Servant Emannu'el Branch, am sent to greet you in the Holy and Sovereign name of the OPNNA -- the Original, Pre-earth, Never changing, Non-man made, Alpha-Omega -- name & FULL IDENTITY of our only true Creator and His Son.... YAHWEH ELOHIM and YAHSHUA The TRUE MESSIAH. (John 17:3 + Malachi 4:2 vs John 3:18 + Rev 16:9) This story is bigger than one Jewish billionaire, Donald Sterling, who sees Black people as second class citizens. The heart and soul of this story is about the coming divine judgment upon a "global attitude" that is alive and well in the 21st Century. That attitude is a system that has worked day and night for more than 400 years to erase the Black presence from all levels of society, to include the Bible, and then replace Black presence with White images, privilege, power, wealth, etc. Time is now up on that mindset, as it is written (Acts 7:6-7 + Joel 3:6-7). Donald Sterling's main issue, which he states: "We don't have to broadcast everything," which means to NOT associate "publicly" with Black people; however, "privately" is okay, because we live in a "culture" that we have to follow. For starters, in Video #1, listen carefully at what Donald Sterling is, truly, doing to this Black and Latino mixed woman, Ms. Stiviano. He is using his wealth and power to manipulate her into erasing her "Blackness" out of existence in order for her (in his view) to be accepted by mainstream society, or as he puts it-- the "CULTURE." He even tells her, "I can find a girl who will do what I want; I thought you were that girl." A 100% power move and manipulation tactic on his part. He wants a bought-and-paid for slave girl to do his will--a woman willing to sellout her identity and soul. In Video #1, Sterling also admits that White Jews treat Black Jews (The Real Israel) like dogs. Though we, the children of the prophesied 400-year slave trade and evil treatment, are hated the world over, we are loved by Yahshua the True Messiah, who is one of us. Yahshua, Himself, is about to reveal this to the whole world, for His glory and to announce His 3rd Coming. (Rev 3:9 + Rev 2:9)
In Video #2, identity theft. Sterling is heard on the recording telling Ms. Stiviano that she is supposed to be a "WHITE and Latino woman." However, nothing about her looks White. She has dark features. Within his own mind, her Blackness has been erased and replaced. His desire is for her to unplug herself, NOT from Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, but, specifically, from "Black people." He tells her that she is NOT to meet with Black people in public, but "privately," as though we are objects of scorn. This is the same old "back of the bus" mentality, showing that in his mind the world is still "separate and not equal," when it comes to Blacks and Whites. This also resembles a scene from the movie The Butler. Forest Whitaker's character was told that while in the room with whites that "the room should feel empty, when he is in it." Erasing her Black presence and identity is what this Jewish man is wanting her to do. However, he is not renouncing his Jewishness. Neither is he asking his Jewish friends to no longer be seen with him publicly, but only "privately," as though they have some kind of a plague. What he is demanding of Ms. Stiviano is culturally and spiritually criminal. She has every right to resist the unreasonable and racist demands of this extremely powerful and influential billionaire business mogul in any way she sees fit.
Shalom Brothers and Sisters; and welcome to Without any type of bigotry, hatred, or racism... I, Servant Emannu'el Branch, am sent to greet you in the Holy and Sovereign name of the OPNNA -- the Original, Pre-earth, Never changing, Non-man made, Alpha-Omega -- name & FULL IDENTITY of our only true Creator and His Son.... YAHWEH ELOHIM and YAHSHUA The TRUE MESSIAH. (John 17:3 + Malachi 4:2 vs John 3:18 + Rev 16:9) Brothers and Sisters, on Monday, April 14, 2014 Yahshua will host another groundbreaking Movie Monday Night on our Nat'l Hallelu-YAH Live! Call. This time we will review The Butler and will link it to how it relates and focuses on the end time Bible prophecies of Yahshua the True Messiah, which you will not hear in mainstream churches. Our number one goal is to help save lives (Save The Church, Save The People). We do this by working to fulfill John 17:3: "Eternal life is to KNOW the ONLY TRUE Creator and the one (the actual man) whom He sent." The "actual man" sent by The Father, Yahweh, is Yahshua The Messiah. The call will start at 8:00 PM (EST). Dial (209)647-1600 Code: 842535# Though we will discuss issues of racism, this message is for anyone, regardless of skin color. In brotherly love, we invite anyone who is "sincere" in wanting to learn the truth of our True Savior and the mystery of His universal plan. At the end of the day and at the end of the age, we all must increase in the knowledge and in the revelation of the truth of the "actual man" who loved us all enough to die for us (Ephesians 1:17 + Colossians 1:10). Welcome to The Revelation. To prepare for the Movie Monday night review: watch The Butler, take notes, and be prepared to link key scenes to the scriptures. Show support by leaving your comments and questions below.
Shalom Brothers and Sisters; and welcome to Without any type of bigotry, hatred, or racism... I, Servant Emannu'el Branch, am sent to greet you in the Holy and Sovereign name of the OPNNA -- the Original, Pre-earth, Never changing, Non-man made, Alpha-Omega -- name & FULL IDENTITY of our only true Creator and His Son.... YAHWEH ELOHIM and YAHSHUA The TRUE MESSIAH. (John 17:3 + Malachi 4:2 vs John 3:18 + Rev 16:9) SAVE THE CHURCH SAVE THE PEOPLE #2: If any man or even an angel preach any other Gospel than what Paul preached 2,000 years ago, let him be ACCURSED (Gal 1:6-9). 2,000 years ago, the Apostle Paul preached, solely, in the Holy name of Yahshua, NOT Jesus the Gentile. Why is that? Why did Paul preach ONLY in the name of Yahshua and NOT Jesus? See the reasons below: 1) Paul knew that the true Messiah must fit the description "according to the [Hebrew's] scriptures" and cannot be a Gentile (I Cor 15:1-4) 2) Paul knew that the true Messiah must be a member of the Real Israel, from the tribe of Judah, a descendant of David, which is NOT a blond haired and blue-eyed Gentile (Rev 5:5 + Rev 22:16) 3) Paul knew that The True Messiah cannot have a Gentile name, and that His Holy name must be Creator-exalted (Philippians 2:9-11) and Angel-delivered (Luke 1:30-31) 4) The Apostle Paul did not follow mainstream doctrine, but followed the Word where it reads that there is ONLY one name given for salvation (Acts 4:12) 5) Therefore, Paul knew that the ACTUAL and ORIGINAL name that was Creator-exalted and Angel-delivered, non-Gentile, was YAHSHUA and none other. 6) Once the Apostle Paul learned about the true name and identity of the Savior, he would rather die for that original name than to allow any man to replace it with another name, with some man-made name (Acts 21:13). 7) Paul did not become a Judas-- to know the truth of YAHSHUA and then deny His name and disobey the Gospel by selling Yahshua out for a man-made name such as Baal, Jehovah, Allah, Jesus--which, he knew, would bring a curse upon himself (II Thess 1:8 + Gal 1:6-9) 8) Lastly, in Paul's day, 2,000 years ago, the letter "J" did not exist. So, Paul couldn't have preached "Jesus" Therefore, "Let Elohim (God) be true and EVERY MAN a liar, which Paul also wrote" (Romans 3:4) What Lesson Are We To Learn? Under NO circumstances are we to allow ANY man (scholar or clergy) to pervert the TRUE Gospel by preaching another Gospel or Messiah to us than Yahshua, the one name Paul preached and was ready to die for (Acts 21:13 + Acts 4:12). Think about it for a moment. Paul was ready to die over a name--not for wealth, fame, houses, or anything like that. Instead, he was willing to give his life in defense of a name, ONE NAME--YAHSHUA. Let's learn from his example found in Acts 21:13, and turn from man-made Jesus to the name and IDentity given by our Heavenly Father for us to call upon--YAHSHUA The True Messiah. It's more than just a name; it's our eternal life. Therefore, it is written, "As many as received Him, to them He gave POWER to become the children of Elohim, even to them that believed on HIS NAME" (John 1:12). The True Gospel: let's walk it, talk it, love it, and live it. I'll hear you on our next Nat'l HalleluYAH Live! Call. Shalom. Please show your support by commenting on this blog below. And don't forget to subscribe to receive your FREE updates by filling out the RED BOX in the upper right corner of this page.
February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories