Shalom Brothers and Sisters, I, Servant Emannu'el Branch, greet you in the Holy and Sovereign name of the OPNNA -- the Original, Pre-earth, Never changing, Non-man made, Alpha-Omega -- name & FULL IDENTITY of our only true Creator and His Son -- YAHWEH ELOHIM and YAHSHUA The TRUE MESSIAH. (John 17:3 + Malachi 4:2 vs John 3:18 + Rev 16:9)
The N-Word At The Beginning: It is written, "Your seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and they shall afflict them, enslave them, and treat them evil 400 years; (Acts 7:6 + Genesis 15:13) That prophecy clearly states that the real tribal Israelites will be singled-out, targeted, and profiled by another group of people that would bring them into bondage and treat them evil for no less than 400 years. This shows that the prophecy is ethnic specific--racially targeting the 12 Tribes of the real Israel from among other ethnic groups. Because the real Tribes of Israel are Black, this is why the world witnessed a 400-year period where a Black tribal people was bagged, tagged, and dragged into a strange land then forced into bondage and was evil treated from 1565-1965, just as it is written--jot and tittle. According to prophecy, 400 years, the oppressors (slave owners and their non-slave owning descendents) will be allowed to treat Blacks with contempt, injustice, racial slurs, inequality, the N-word etc. The oppressors and their children's children will get away with their evil treatment as written. The 4 photos below shows what the N-Word really is and why judgment must follow: N-Word = Historical Legacy + LWSI + Behavior (LWSI = Legalized White Supremacy Ideology) As you can clearly see from the photos that the N-Word is more than just a word. The N-word isn't like any other word like the word car, the word sky, nor is is like the word boat. The reality of the N-Word is that it has attached to it three factors that must be considered at all times: 1) Historical Legacy of 400 years of hatred from Whites, i.e. slavery, Jim Crow, Apartheid; 2) Legalized White Supremacy Ideology (LWSI) that created a society where Blacks would be legally treated as inferior even owned by U.S. Presidents; and 3) Behavior of the court system, local and federal government and by society as a whole to keep Black people their place--in the subordinate position within White society. The evidence of these truths can be seen in the reality that Black people, about five decades ago, just received the right NOT to go to jail for merely ordering a sandwich at a lunch counter or riding on the front seat of buses. Another reality of the N-word is that Black people fought in every war America has had so that White men, women, and children could be free while Black men, women, and children evil treated with slavery and then by Jim Crow, as it is written (Acts 7:6-7 + Gen 15:13-14). Judgment For The N-Word What happens at the end of the prophesied 400 years of Legalized White Supremacy Ideology (LWSI)? It is written, "That nation to whom they shall be in bondage will I Judge, says Yahweh Elohim" (Acts 7:7 + Genesis 15:14). According to prophecy, at the end of the 400-year reign of terror upon the real tribes, the children of the slave owners, though they DID NOT start the injustices against black people, would reap the judgment for what their great-great-grand parents began. Judgment begins after the 400-years of bondage and evil treatment, not before or during the 400-year period. This is the real reason it is no longer socially acceptable for whites, the children of slave owners, to openly associate themselves with the N-Word. The judgment is starting to fall. Paula Deen is now finding out that the prophecy is real, just like Don Imus, George Zimmerman, and others. This is only the beginning. Yahweh Himself is the one who is judging those who are now benefiting from the enslavement and Jim Crow of the real 12 Tribes of Israel. See the truth of the prophecy for yourself in the two videos below:
![]() Now that the 400 years of bondage and evil treatment upon us are up, judgment is now beginning to roll down like a mighty stream. The only escape is to overcome the mainstream version of religion and return to the one and only true Creator (Yahweh) and to His Son, Yahshua as taught by Yahshua's own tribal enslaved relatives --the real 12 Tribes of Israel--the children of slaves. You see, my friend, the Gospel of a European Savior named Jesus is a lie fashioned by the same Legalized White Supremacy Ideology, which for hundreds of years forced black tribes to call them by the blasphemous and self-exalted title of "MASTER." As it is written, "He/ she who overcomes (the lie) shall inherit all things" (Rev 21:7).
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February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories