![]() Brothers and sisters, welcome to another no fluff-no bigotry-no substitute Yahshua adventure with the Yahweh Family. I'm Servant Emannu'el Branch and this is as real as it gets. Tuesday, March 22, 2011 the great filmmaker Spike Lee arrived at Savannah State University as planned. I, of course, got there about an hour early with my news gear ready to cover the event for Yahshua University Students as well as for other newspapers. In fact, I was so early that I was able to take photos of the arena while crew members were still setting up (Now that's what I call being on point). ![]() I then left the building to go back outside to the parking lot to shoot a quick video announcing Spike Lee coming to Savannah. Afterwards, all that was left was to wait until the ticket booth and school personnel were set up and ready for us to start entering the building. Once the school was ready, a line of people quickly formed. You know me, I couldn't resist taking a few shots while we were just standing there in all. ![]() That's me in the brown shirt along with my large bag with all of my news gear in plain sight, to include my highly visible tripod. The Yahweh Family (myself, Sister Tabatha and Servant Nathaniel) were greeted by school personnel at the ticket booth. We went inside and showed our tickets as personnel gave the three of us our own copies of the program, and allowed us to enter into the arena with me carrying all of my gear. Because I was early, I chose to sit on the second row of the bleachers placing my bag of gear on the first row seat just below me. I was in a spot that was pretty close to the stage so that I wouldn't miss any of the action. Little did I know that I was going to be a part of the action on this night. I set up my tripod and was ready to go, especially since I had already been given the green light to proceed with my large bag of news gear by university personnel, police officers, and ushers. Keep in mind that I am out in the open, close to the stage, and in no way trying to hide. Why should I? ![]() As the event got underway, the audience got its first glimpse of Spike Lee as he and others walked on stage and took their seats. Being fairly close to the front I had a great view. When it was Spike Lee's turn to speak, I kid you not, within 55 seconds of getting the mic he said, "Before I like to start, there is no video taping. So, my man... right there" (pointing his "40 Acres and a Mule" finger directly at me). I was shocked!! Spike the-man Lee onstage had just busted me out cold in front of all of those people. Of all the 100's of people in the arena he picked me. Am I just lucky like that or what? Go figure. Now realizing that there was a "no video rule" I chose to do the right thing. I simply gave Spike Lee a respectful nod, turned off my recorder, collapsed my tripod, and tucked them both neatly away into my large camera bag, which was in plain sight. Upon seeing how I was in motion in respecting his wishes, Spike Lee even said to me, "Thank you," which was the last thing you will hear on the short video below. All I had now was a camera for taking still photos. Throughout the evening, there were others who did not respect Spike Lee's "no taping rule." About three times he told a certain female not to record. That was not the case with me. I gladly gave the brother his due. Hey, no hard feelings on my part. Stay blessed Brother Spike. Below is a 2-minute video showing Spike Lee Shutting Down Servant Emannu'el Branch. ![]() Generally, at such events the ushers and school officials will let you know upon entering the doors whether or not a speaker at a public school event doesn't wish to be video taped. That warning was never given at the door nor by any of the many ushers that were walking the arena floor, whom, by the way, I spoke to and even held conversations with. My guess is that no one at SSU knew about "the no video rule" until Spike Lee himself made it known. Please Note: It wasn't as though this event was a private setting where a speaker will be giving copyrighted materials or tutorials. No specially formulated trade secrets on filmmaking were being discussed. This was a general public address mainly to college students. Nevertheless, I gave the utmost respect to the keynote speaker, as it should be. ![]() The Moral of The Story is a Classic Yahshua University Standard: When you think you're right and everyone else is doing what they think to be right also....it's all good. However, when truth and revelation is finally sent your way, you must first humble yourself enough to at least examine the weight of the evidence that has been set before you. Secondly, as the light shines, you must choose to no longer walk in darkness but rather overcome old traditions, doctrines and commandments of men to start a new walk in the light of revealed truth (Mark 7:5-13). Remember, after truth has come, there is no shame in acknowledging your error and overcoming the error to start living a brand new life in the truth. This is called "overcoming the world [lie] for the truth" (John 16:33 + I John 5:4-5 = Rev 21:6-7 + Rev 12:9-11). There is shame, however, when you reject the precious truth to maintain the darkness of the lie because the lie, perhaps, is much more popular and mainstream than the truth (John 3:18-20 + Matt 10:32-33). My prayer is that all mainstream pastors and believers come to the knowledge of this truth: Overcome the status quo's translated Greek Jesus of Europe for the original tribalistic Yahshua The True Messiah from the "TRIBE" of Judah (Rev 5:5). Oh, and by the way, I even managed to get Spike Lee's autograph after his empowering talk. Just another day in the life of Yahshua's Redeemed --Servant Emannu'el Branch. Until our next adventure, always Hallelu-Yah and holla back if you hear me. Holla Back and Let's Enlighten Others By: a) Writing your own comments to the issue in this blog that are unique, one-of- a-kind, and empowering to readers b) Subscribing, in the box at the top of this page, to our FREE inspiring weekly email updates -- if you haven't already subscribed. Thank You and Peace Yahshua's Redeemed His End Time Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch
Carlton Scott
3/24/2011 11:22:19 am
Thank you for sharing Servant Emmanuel, My guess is that "Spike" told them the rules. But working for a university I know sometimes task don't get carried out in the right order, somebody dropped the ball.
Sister Tabatha
3/24/2011 12:44:29 pm
I must say I really enjoyed Spike Lee Tuesday nite. Mr Lee message was about living your passion and doing what you love and not just getting a JOB. There is so much out there for our young people and with Yah all is possible. Live your dreams and do not let anyone kill your dreams. Encourage your children at all times and also encourage yourself.
Sister Tabatha
3/24/2011 02:11:46 pm
I just wanted to make a second comment about the message. We should all be humble when asked. It is the right thing to do. We should be an example and I think my husband was respectful and granted Mr Lee his wishes and that was not to be on video while given his talk to the crowd. This show character.Although Mr Lee doesnt know yo Sir he will remeber the kind man that stopped recording when asked.
10/2/2013 11:05:28 am
No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.
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February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories