![]() Shalom, Yah Fam Nation. It's time, once again, for our annual "Christmas Warning Event." Simply put: Yahweh outlawed pagan Christmas in the scriptures. This entire month of December 2017 we will include in our classes how to build our spiritual muscles, in Yahshua, for the strength to resist honoring tradition over truth. No more changing the truth of Yahweh into a lie and serving the creature more than the Creator (Romans 1:25). Join us throughout this powerful teaching series. After you attend the class, please leave a valuable comment on this PraiseBlog, which will help to encourage the global readership. THE SITUATION: The world is saying that "This is the season to be jolly Lalalalala Lalala Laaa But Yah-weh says don't follow folly Lalalalala Lalala La" Our Creator, Yahweh, has made it plain in the scriptures that the world renown Christmas is pagan and is not to be observed. THE PROBLEM: As written, the whole world is now deceived into disobeying Yahweh by celebrating pagan Christmas. Instead of the clergy teaching the original truth for salvation, the entire planet is now engaged in idolatry and is taking part in this annual abomination. On the surface, I know that it all appear harmless and innocent; but it leads to destruction. Remember, Yahweh's thoughts are higher than our thoughts; and His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9). What may seem right to us, Yahweh sees as blasphemy (Proverb 14:12). Truth is...time is running out on all of us... to include the church. THE SOLUTION: Father Yahweh Himself, as promised through the scripture-based pattern, that just before the wrath comes down He will "send pastors after His own heart who will feed His people with knowledge and understanding" (Jeremiah 3:15). Only the meek will hear and take heed. All others will refuse to hear, refuse to repent and will be destroyed. Come join us on our annual "Christmas warning event" and hear how the divine rescue plan has been broken down into an easy 1,2,3- A,B,C format--so simple that even a child could understand. Here is what this class will cover:
1) Scriptures proving that Christmas is NOT to be observed 2) The origin of Christmas 3) How so many educated theologians and pastors became tricked 4) How to ween yourself and your children to overcome it And much more All the TRUE WORSHIPERS are invited to this prophetic event on our NEW Monday 8:00 PM (EST) Dial: (912)335-0159. NO access code needed. I am Yahshua's Redeemed, His End Time Oracle, Servant Emannu'el Branch. And I approved this message. HalleluuuuYAH!!! Don't forget to leave a comment.
Madam Dane
12/4/2017 10:48:31 pm
This class was extremely powerful! Im still basking in the ambience (ambiance) HalleluYAH. Everything taught was scripture based & taught with clarity soo simple a child can undetstand. For as long as i can remember in my past i celebrated this day of abomination but never again. I praise Yah for his divine revelation ttat i willingly humble myself to at all costs rather it be family, friends & anythingelse i lose along the way cus my life is not my own..I live to serve YaHWeH Elohim YaHsHua & i pray his mercy stays upon me & upon us all. #PowerfulStuff Servant E these few years at Yahshua University has changed me for the rest of my days. HalleluYAH for this edification & May YaHWeH continue to bless all of your days. Tysvm smh cant wait til next class
Servant Emannu'el
12/4/2017 11:34:12 pm
Shalom, Madam Dane. Praise Yah for you! I thank Yahshua The Messiah that the light bulb is on where your eyes can see past the delusion of this holiday. Satan is operating in broad daylight and is taking candy from the hands of grown folks who are well education, even highly versed in the scriptures.
Sister Z
12/5/2017 06:04:42 am
I have to start off by saying ''POWERFUL CLASS'' for any of you that missed it just go over to Yahshuauniversity.com to listen to Servant E break this message down regarding celebrating these pagan holiday. In Rev 12:9 the whole world was deceived and the ''Devil, (Satan) or (Santa) will be deceiving you and you passing that on to your children. I learn so much by coming toYahshuauniversity.com and learning with my sisters and brothers in Yah. Do not let this world corrupt you or deceive you for our creator Yahweh Elohim Yahshua has given us the word and truth so that no man may not be deceived so take time to have an ear and hear and I have an eye and see. Stay blessed my sisters and brothers in the word and have everlasting life in Yah!
Servant Emannuel
12/5/2017 01:56:51 pm
Shalom, Sister Z.
Sabrina Weatherspoon
12/5/2017 07:09:40 pm
What a powerful class I was. I have been with yahshua University for over a year and this is my second time hearing about the Santa deception. But just because I've heard it before did not mean I received it. It was well received the last night. The more I hear I know the more I must change. Excellent class servant Emannuel as usual. HalleluYAH
Servant Emannuel
12/5/2017 08:11:28 pm
Shalom, Sister Sabrina. I appreciate you. We're all on the journey to meet The King. Day by day we are to grow in the knowledge and in the grace of Yahshua, as it is written (II Peter 3:18). And the more we hear the lessons and the more familiar they become then the more our understanding will open like petals on a flower.
12/6/2017 11:46:54 am
Indeed a powerful class!... I haven't celebrated Christmas since 1993! It was always a sore spot with my family members although I had not come into the knowledge of the truth. I remember reading Jeremiah 10 and knowing that was about Christmas. It also peaked my interest into the origins of other holidays and finding out that they are all a DECEPTION...I praise YAH for Servant Emmanuel and Yahshua university... because people need to be made aware of the pagan rituals they blindly follow and if they still choose to follow after hearing the truth,then they do so of their own free will.I am always learning and happy I have the chance to learn with Yahshua university.
Servant Emannu'el
12/6/2017 02:17:00 pm
Shalom, Sister Michelle.
Sis Rochelle Weatherspoon
12/7/2017 12:03:25 am
Shalom Yahshua Univ Fam and other Sisters and Brothers in Yahweh Elohim and Yahshua the true Messiah!
Servant Emannu'el
12/7/2017 01:17:25 am
Shalom, Sister Rochelle.
Betty Staley
12/13/2017 07:41:06 am
Class was monumental!!!!! Breath taking and eye opening.the lightbulb most definitely came on.praise Yahweh for true knowledge.
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February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories