Shalom Brothers and Sisters; and welcome to Without any type of bigotry, hatred, or racism... I, Servant Emannu'el Branch, from the tribes of the Real Israel am sent to greet you in the Holy and Sovereign name of the OPNNA -- the Original, Pre-earth, Never changing, Non-man made, Alpha-Omega -- name & FULL IDENTITY of our only true Creator and His Son.... YAHWEH ELOHIM and YAHSHUA The TRUE MESSIAH. (John 17:3 + Malachi 4:2 vs John 3:18 + Rev 16:9) Brothers and Sisters in search of the truth, here is a global dilemma--pastors, bishops, and scholars are rejecting the pure word of our Creator, which directly impacts the fate of our very souls: "The fear of YAHWEH is the beginning of knowledge" (Proverb 1:7). Mainstream churches do not fear the Holy name of YAHWEH. In open disrespect for Yahweh, theologians have removed the Divine Name of YAHWEH from His own scriptures more than 6,000 times. I say again, more than 6,000 times the creation has removed the Holy name (YAHWEH) of its' own Creator!! This is 100% pure blasphemy. Every Old Testament prophet and every New Testament apostle, when referring to The Father, honored Him by His Holy name--YAHWEH. Modern day pastors study this truth, yet do not follow the truth. See The Difference For Yourself: Proverb 1:7 now read: "The fear of The Lord is the beginning of knowledge." Originally, it read: "The fear of YAHWEH is the beginning of knowledge" Gentiles replaced YAHWEH with THE LORD more than 6,000 times. Yahweh is the Holy name of our Creator, a name that existed ages and trillions of years before heaven, earth, and man. However, The Lord is NOT a name at all, but is a nameless generic title. Therefore, using a man-made generic title like Lord prevents believers from calling on the Holy Name of Yahweh, which moves us further and further away from having a close personal relationship with our Creator by name. This is an outright attack upon Yahweh by His own creation. The scripture is true when Yahshua Himself admitted "They hated both Me and My Father (Yahweh) John 15:23-24. Shame, shame, shame on the church for this. Keep in mind that the beginning of knowledge is to fear the Holy name of YAHWEH, a name that existed ages and trillions of years before heaven, earth, and man. Man is powerless to change a name of his own Creator. To even think so is to commit the crime of blasphemy. To despise this wisdom and instruction is to become a fool (Proverb 1:7). Evidence That We Must Have The Fear of YAHWEH, which mainstream pastors are NOT following. Such pastors are toying with the fate of our souls. Deut 28:58-- "That you may fear this glorious and fearful name, YAHWEH your ELOHIM" Malachi 1:6-- "If I be a father where is My honor; if I be a master where is My fear?" Malachi 4:1-2-- "But unto you that fear My name...." Malachi 3:6-- "For I am YAHWEH; I change not" Exodus 20:1-7-- "I am YAHWEH your ELOHIM... You shall have no other gods before me" "For I, YAHWEH your ELOHIM, is a jealous Elohim" "You shall NOT take the name YAHWEH your ELOHIM in vain" Let's not be ashamed of the Gospel of Yahshua; and let's not deny Him before men any longer. Please show your support for the truth by joining the discussion on this blog below.
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Madam Dane
1/15/2015 12:17:41 pm
I will 4ever serve & praise Yahweh my father through his son & my ONLY savior Yahshua the messiah! thank you soo much servant Immanuel for helping to save my soul..wooow...everything you teach is backed 100% by the scriptures untainted & in yo face and when i say scriptures i mean all versions of the bible especially the KJV. So to whom ever is reading... now is the time to come out of the lifetime lie ..yes youve been robbed your entire life as OUR savior has been robbed of his true identity!! I encourage you all to join us every Monday & Thursday nights at 8pm & eat this good food & receive this unique message..again thank you Servant Immanuel You are ''The Branch''' as in Zechariah 3:8 & Zechariah 6:12 and i am a firm believer ┐( ˘_˘)┌ in 1 209 647 1600 access code 842535# dont 4get the pound sign...ttys
Servant Emannu'el
1/15/2015 04:31:53 pm
Shalom, Sister Dana,
1/15/2015 02:50:58 pm
I completely agree Madam Dane, and Servant Emannuel Branch these pastors have to start from scratch because they missed it in the beginning,scripture teaches us that anyone who comes in through any other door than YaHshua ia a thief and a robber.
Servant Emannu'el
1/15/2015 04:18:29 pm
Shalom, Brother Sanders,
Sister Zenji
1/15/2015 04:10:02 pm
The word saids in Rev 12:9 the whole world was deceived. I am happy to say I am no longer part of the lie that believe we are greater than our creator. I want to know the man Yahshua the messiah who died on the cross for me so that I may have eternal life.Seek the truth for yourselves and search the scriptures for in them is life. We here at Yahshua University are here to save the church save the people.These pastors better take heed in the word and listen and do the right thing by the people and teach them the truth before its to late. Stay blessed in the word.
Servant Emannu'el
1/15/2015 04:27:38 pm
Shalom,Sister Zenji
Brother Smith
1/15/2015 04:48:18 pm
Shalom! Indeed my brother and sister for the scriptures calls them hirelings which does not really care for the souls they oversee, but the time will come when the wolf will come and the souls will scatter. And when this time comes the true believers will stand up as light bears of the true Gospel of Yahshua Messiah.
Servant Emannu'el
1/15/2015 06:37:16 pm
Shalom, Brother Smith
1/19/2015 07:19:47 am
If you are truly humble, there should be no shame in admitting you were deceived and by this deception you have unintentionally deceived others. If you can humble yourself and admit you have been deceived you can overcome your deception and correct the errors of your ways. This is true REPENTANCE. Please know and understand you are not alone Rev.12:9 let's us know the whole world has been deceived. That's all of us, but what the scriptures doesn't say is we must stay deceived in fact they command us to overcome just as YaHshua the true Messiah overcame the world. So to all you Bishops, Priest, Pastors, Reverends, Clergyman and Clergy its time to start doing the work of YYaHshua by overcoming man-made traditions and doctrines and helping others by preaching and teaching the true identity, true gospel and the true testimony of the actual man sent to die for us by Father YaHWeH, the true messiah YaHshua according to the scriptures. Shalom
Servant Emannu'el
1/19/2015 08:05:40 am
Shalom, Brother Gabriel,
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February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories