Shalom Brothers and Sisters; and welcome to Without any type of bigotry, hatred, or racism... I, Servant Emannu'el Branch, am sent to greet you in the Holy and Sovereign name of the OPNNA -- the Original, Pre-earth, Never changing, Non-man made, Alpha-Omega -- name & FULL IDENTITY of our only true Creator and His Son.... YAHWEH ELOHIM and YAHSHUA The TRUE MESSIAH. (John 17:3 + Malachi 4:2 vs John 3:18 + Rev 16:9) ![]() My friend, as we journey toward developing a Kingdom Mindset, we find it written, "For who hath known the mind of Yahweh, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of The Messiah" (I Cor 2:16). Now this is what I'm talking about; not having or even wanting my own limited mindset, but being on the same page and mindset as the actual man who loved us all enough to die for us. Now that's the only mindset worth having. This is the second installment of the Kingdom Mindset process. On last Tuesday, June 10, 2014, Yahshua released Step 1-- Humble Yourself. Yahshua the True Messiah has made it, quite, clear that only the meek (humble) will inherit the (new) earth (Matt 5:5 + Rev 21:1). . ![]() Developing a Kingdom Mindset - Step 2 of 5 Name Sovereignty. Here we must understand that our Creator and His Son both have a name that is Holy, majestic, eternal, fearful, all powerful, sovereign--a name that is, literally, ages and trillions of years older than heaven, earth, and man. Therefore, no man will ever be able to change or alter this ageless and eternal name, not even so much as to merely touch it. This trillion-plus-year-old name must remain intact today exactly as it began eons ago, without compromise. No excuses, no so-called translations. This is the first rule when it comes to the Sovereign name of the Father and Son. All who miss this simplicity, now that it is being revealed, will be sorry at the appointed time. His true name is just that vital. It is written: "Your name is FROM everlasting" (Isaiah 63:16) "This is my name FOREVER, and my memorial to ALL generations" (Exodus 3:15) "Elohim has exalted Him and given Him a NAME above EVERY NAME" (Philippians 2:9-11) ![]() Common Lies From Mainstream Religion 1) God has many names 2) You can call Him what you want; He knows your heart 3) God's name is too Holy to speak 4) The name Jesus is equal to and is just as Holy as the name Yahshua 5) Jesus means the same as Yahshua; it's just the English translation Problem: There are no scriptures to support these 5 common opinions. "There is a way that seem right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways to death" (Proverb 16:25) ![]() Conclusion: Stop B.I.T. (Biblical IDentity Theft) Know that no man will ever be righteous enough to change the trillion-plus-year name from its original state into a man-made Gentile name Know the importance of calling upon the trillion-plus-year name of the Father and His Son, without any substitutions or any so-called translations. Know that we must be married to the true name of the Father and Son; and to call upon another name is to commit spiritual adultery and fornication with other gods (Rev 17:2 + Jer 3:6-10). Step 3 on Developing a Kingdom Mindset will be covered in the next blog post. So, stay tuned and stay humble, my friend. Yahshua loves you soooo much. Let's not be ashamed of the Gospel of Yahshua; and let's not deny Him before men any longer. Please show your support by commenting on this blog below. And don't forget to subscribe to receive your FREE updates by filling out the red box in the upper right corner of this page.
Brother Sanders or Edmund
6/18/2014 09:27:48 am
Thanks for your support in that armegeddon battle on my status Servant Emannuel Branch, you truly stood on the front line and not only survived, but prevailed in the Name of YaHshua.
Servant Emannu'el
6/19/2014 12:40:07 am
Shalom Brother Sanders, thanx for "back talking" on this blog. In that Armageddon Battle, that brother was soooo off base. Through the grace of Yahshua, for more than 3 hours patience was given to me in dealing with his opposition. He did NOT have a Kingdom Mindset at all. He resisted the word of Yah with a passion. However, after doing my part in giving my best testimony of Yahshua's truth, and discerning that he wasn't trying to understand and overcome, I, then, had no choice but to wipe the dust off of my feet by gracefully ending the battle. His loss. He can't say that he never heard. Praise Yah.
Manoj vadlamudi
1/31/2020 02:12:13 pm
Shalom brother Immanuel Garu , meru yahshua name gurinchi Chala baga chepparu, naku inka Chala vishayalu kavali
Sister Tabatha
6/19/2014 03:03:40 am
We all must stand on his sovereignty name for that is how we all are saved. There is no other name given and this is the word. The church must stop telling lies to the world. The world has to wake up and start telling the truth to the people. We all have a part to do and that is to look this information up yourselves and find out the truth.Stay blessed !
Servant Emannu'el
6/19/2014 03:24:19 am
Shalom Sister Tab, and thanx for "Back Talking" on this blog to help save lives.
Brother Sanders or Edmund
6/22/2014 01:18:52 pm
Most definitely, it's just an honor, to know I was drawn to the only place in the whole world that I know where the full identity truth is being taught openly without any bogotry, hatred, or racism, and the most love is shown, and the only thing else I got to say now is HALLELUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUYAH.
Servant Emannu'el
6/22/2014 03:39:14 pm
Shalom Brother Sanders, thanx for posting your "Back Talk" on this blog to help encourage others.
Servant Nate
6/23/2014 05:01:51 am
It's now time that the world must know his REAL identity. His real identity includes skin color and His sovereign name which is Yahshua. We need to start challenging the status quo about the real man who died on the cross for us instead of conforming to their MAN-MADE doctrine. Praise Yah for this message!
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February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories