Shalom Brothers and Sisters in the Holy name of Yahweh Elohim Yahshua- may you be Black, White, Asian, Jewish, Arab, Indian, or otherwise. The Yahshua University family have been following the tragic case of 17-year old Trayvon Martin who had been shot and killed in Orlando, Fl by George Zimmerman--a shooter that has not been arrested as of this post. As a result of this killing--allegations of injustice, racism, murder, and police misconduct has become the spark of heated controversy. Deuteronomy 28:50 curse is in effect: "A nation (Europeans) of fierce countenance, which shall NOT regard the person of the old, nor show favor to the young." Note: NOT all children of Europe feel this way. However, historically Black people have been so stigmatized where it has been common practice to brutalize, lynch, jail, shoot, and segregate us at will. In such an environment, the perpetrators are very seldom made to answer for their crimes...slavery, Jim Crow, Apartheid, police brutality, Driving While Black, and even merely Walking While Black. Here is the evidence that the prophecy is true. R.I.P. Young Brother Trayvon Martin Show your support by leaving a comment. Let's Take a Look At The Bottom Line Facts of The Case: 1. Trayvon Martin, Black male 17 years old walking through a neighborhood to his father's house (nothing wrong with that). 2. George Zimmerman, White male (possibly Hispanic) driving an SUV spots Trayvon walking (no climbing through a window and no breaking into a car.... just a walking). 3. George then calls the police to report that a Black male is "acting suspiciously." (Keep in mind that the Black male is still just a walking-- no purse snatching or anything just a walking). 4. The police instructs George Zimmerman not to confront the Black male (who still hadn't done anything illegal except to be WWB-Walking While Black). 5. Ignoring the police instructions, George exits his SUV then initiates a confrontation with Trayvon. 6. The confrontation escalates into what witnesses described as "wrestling." At the end, George fires two shots killing Trayvon on site. 7. George Zimmerman was armed with a 9mm handgun and Trayvon was armed with a pack of Skittles, which he just purchased from nearby store. 8. George Zimmerman then claimed he shot in self defense, which was all that is needed for the police to NOT make an arrest when an innocent and unarmed Black teen is killed. Watch The Chain of Events: The only person that had reason to fear for their life was 17-year old Trayvon Martin. He was in serious trouble the moment an already armed Zimmerman spotted him merely Walking While Black. Ask Zimmerman: Did you see Trayvon break down a door to a house? Noooooo Did you see Trayvon robbing someone at gunpoint? Nooooooo Did you see Trayvon sell drugs to motorists? Noooooo So tell us Mr. Zimmerman, exactly what did you see Trayvon doing so suspiciously that a) so compelled you to call the police on him; b) compelled you to ignore police instructions to NOT confront him; c) compelled you to leave the safety of your SUV; and d) compelled you to initiate a confrontation with him? After this chain of events, only then did Zimmerman gun-down a young Trayvon Martin in cold-blood and then claimed "self defense, self defense!" To make matters worst, the police did not arrest Zimmerman and refused to release the 911 tapes until the Martin family applied legal pressure. These actions only helped to shield and protect Zimmerman and is denying justice to Trayvon Martin (Black male). Conclusion: We are the Real Tribes of Israel outlined throughout the Holy Scriptures. We've been enslaved and evil treated for over 400 years, as it is written (Gen 15:13-14 + Acts 7:6-7 + Deut 28:68). The unprovoked profiling, criminalizing, and then murder of a teen Walking While Black is a testament to the truth that we are still "Strangers in a strange land." This type of killing and lack of justice will continue as long as the Real Israel refuse to claim our Biblical Identity. Awake Israel, awake in the name of YAHWEH ELOHIM YAHSHUA SHALOM and 1LOVE. FEEL FREE TO LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FREE UPDATES BY FILLING OUT THE BOX LOCATED IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER OF THIS BLOG.
3/17/2012 06:18:54 am
I am speechless! This story is a shame and a tragedy all in one. Servant Emannuel you are so right black people are most definitely under and living out the Deuteronomy 28 Curses and we will continue to live under these curse until we wake up as a people to the Full Identity of our Creator and Messiah. This young black man didn't deserve what happened to him and the injustice of what the police force is doing about it is uncalled for. This man murdered this young black man that is the bottom line, no ifs ands or buts about it! I pray for the family of Trayvon Martin. It's time to wake up Israel, black people, it is time to wake up.
Servant Emannu'el Branch
3/17/2012 06:43:13 am
Shalom Dear Sister Mishmyah; and thank you for your concern and wise comments. You're so right: our young Brother Trayvon Martin did not deserve to be gunned-down, especially for simply returning to his father's house after buying a bag of Skittles. Stay blessed.
Albert Patterson
3/17/2012 04:47:14 pm
very sad lets pray 4 the young brother parents and family..
Sister Tabatha
3/17/2012 07:27:27 am
What a shame Trayvon Martin was murder because of his color of his skin. We should all be upset and want justice for his family. We should want justice for all our sisters and brother who have died by the hands of racist people who hate because you are black. Let's all stand up and make a difference. Stay blessed !
Servant Nate
3/18/2012 03:00:49 am
This is a story that actually affects every black person living in America right now. Trayvon didn't do anything wrong, but walking to his father's house. You can tell the guy was racist, because he called the cops about someone acting suspicious, and the cops told him not to go confront him, but he was insubordinate and confronted him front and that's what led to the altercation. This just shows a world under a strong global delusion.
3/18/2012 04:14:37 am
Yahshua his telling us not to kill or murder his people whether black or white,my people has there judgement in future;but do not look at the race black children of Israel whom i blessed and who will bless others.
WE must begin to teach our young people - boys and girls the art of self defense. The martial arts have always been used as a methodology of protection, calmness and analytical strength to other cultures. African warriors used these arts long before we came this way. The "fire stick"/guns that have been used by Europeans have always been their first weapon of warfare. I placed my daughters in martial arts classes when they were 6 years old! If ANYONE steps to them - OKAY - their BLACK BELT HANDS will prevail - with the Yahshua's help! How many more "driving while BLACK or now WALKING while BLACK" deaths must WE endure? Oh, by the way - the U.S. Justice Dept. DOES NOT have proscecutory powers! This killer (Zimmerma) has to be arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced to the full extent of the law! Sign the petition in support of his arrest NOW!
3/20/2012 10:26:26 pm
Numbers6;22-27,And spoke to mosheh,saying, speak to Haron and his sons,saying,this is how you bless the children of Israel,say to them,bless you and guard you ,make His face shine upon you and show favor to you, lift up His face upon you and give peace.Thus they shall put my name on the children of Israel and my self shall bless the.Now yahushua His telling us not to enslave His children nor murder my real people the black.
Marilyn Jackson
4/19/2012 08:45:08 am
There are two types of racism we are dealing with in America. The first one is overt racism and the other is covert racism. Overt racism is racism out in the open and in your face. The KKK use overt racism. Individual whites; such as, George Zimmerman was operating under overt racism. Overt racism also involves the syterotype of Black people being stupid, shiftless, lazy, or a criminal. It also negatively describes Black women as whores, bitches and every other dirty name in the book. Overt racism was the killing factor when Brother James Byrd from Texas was drugged by two white boys all because they wanted to kill a nigger. The brother in Mississippi was killed by white teenagers because they wanted to kill the first nigger they saw. Three weeks ago, white teenagers opened fire on a group of Black innocent boys in which three of the young brothers died. They were also targted because of the color of their skin.Now, let's talk about covert racism. This racism is just as dangereous because it is covered up racism. Most times, we are not aware of it because it is hidden. Covert racism hides in the Judicial System, the education system, the political system, the lending and housing institution. Policies are made up to destroy and seperate the Black family. Lets talk about the weakening of the voting rights. in 1965, the voting rights act was intended to eliminate racial discrimination against Black seeking to exercise the right to vote. Whites Politicians was outraged about giving Blacks any rights especially the right to vote. At one time the 12th Congressional District was majority a Black District that had a lot of power. White folks wanted the district to be redrawn to include more white people and destroy the power of the Black voters. The case went to the Supreme Dragon, I mean Supreme Court and the Court ruled in the favor of the white politicians who said it was unconstitutional to draw district lines based on race. Isn't it ironic, white folks created the racial imbalances in political representation in the first place. The Banks who are control by the Federal Government lends more money to white applicants almost 100 to 1 tham Black applicants even when our accounts are in their banks. The school systen where there are more Black students are under funded compare to white schools. In addition, studies have shown where real estate agents deliberately sells the better homes to white families compare to Black families. Black mortages and interest rates are higher than that of white families. All of this is a form of covert racism which is performed on a daily basis by the United States Government. In the Judicial system, young Black men are arrested, convicted and sentenced to more time than white boys who committes crimes far worst than Blacks. There is a difference in powered cocaine and crack cocaine. The law states that crack cocaine carry more time than powder cocaine. The reason is because white people uses powder cocaine and Blacks use crack cocaine. The law treats Meth users differently than crack cocaine users. I am closing for now but we all must watch and see how the trial goes for this killer Zimmerman. We must not feel sorry for him because he is a racist and racist kills Black people. This is a case of racism nothing more and nothing less. Let's stop hidding behind other foreign names of what happened to young Trayvon. If we call this crime of hate anything less than racism, we will be dishonoring Trayvon,s memory!!!
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February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories