Brothers and sisters, welcome to another no fluff-no bigotry-no substitute Yahshua adventure and quest for the truth with the Yahweh Family for the benefit of the larger global Yahweh Family. I'm Servant Emannu'el Branch and this is as Gospel-Real as it gets. (Show someone some love through your response to this pro-Yahshua Blog--John 13:35) ![]() The secret to eternal life is for you and I to "KNOW THE ONLY" true Creator [Yahweh Elohim] and His Son whom He actually sent (Yahshua the True Messiah) as written in John 17:3. Since our salvation is tied to us coming to grips with getting to KNOW THE ONLY TRUE CREATOR AND HIS SON, then this would mean that we must find out for a surety the FULL IDENTITY of the Father and Son. If we half-step and become too lazy to research for ourselves then the mainstream religious system will provide it's own version of the Father and Son for us, which it has done already. The mainstream church has provided the world with it's own name, ethnicity, skin color, and identity of the Father and Son that best fit it's own needs, concepts and traditions. Because today's mainstream Christianity and major denominations started in Europe and then spread throughout the New World, that Eurocentric system chose to make nearly all of the people in the Bible "White" even when the scriptures plainly point to ancient Africa. (Click here to download the 31 Obvious Signs of Africa). Making the entire Bible appear "White" when it is NOT is to create Biblical Identity Theft and Biblical Racism, which is a crime against the Creator [Yahweh Elohim] Himself, a crime against Yahshua the Messiah and a crime against the people of Yahweh-- the real [Black] tribes of Israel. ![]() You may be thinking to yourself, "How can one group of people make the whole world see the Bible from a White perspective?" That's easy. The same way the Europeans of the 1500's marketed the global lie of White Supremacy and the White Master Race idealogy from colonization to slave plantations to Indian Reservations; from Apartheid to Jim Crow; taking over lands from Australia to Hawaii. We all know that this same Euro-power structure has reigned since the 1500's all the way down to this generation in 2011. No one can say that since the year 1492, the days of Columbus, that White men have not controlled the world. For anyone to deny that White rule is a reality is to reveal that they are both a liar and have claimed the devil as their father (John 8:44). Yes, it's ugly. Yes, it's unpleasant to talk about. But it happened, is still happening and it's up to us, the true believers, to put an end to the falsehood. The same way our European brothers and sisters left Europe and conquered Africa, South America, North America, Australia, etc and then legalized injustices to destroy people of color, they took over the Bible in the same fashion. The real tribes of Israel are worshipping Eurocentric doctrines, worshipping in Eurocentric established demoninations, and are still to this day kissing the hands of European religious leaders without recognizing that they are the tribal people of the very Bible now controlled by the status quo. What a flip-flop. Since the prophecy has run it's course, it is now time for the real tribes of Israel (the children of the 400-year slave trade) to awaken from our mental coma of Biblical Racism and Identity Theft in order to bless all nations and all families of the earth from the lie without any type of bigotry, hatred or racism (Gen 12:1-3 + Gen 15:13-14). In brotherly love we, the real tribes of Israel, must help our White brothers and sisters to overcome the religious lie before it's too late for them. They are NOT the people who make up the Bible regardless to what we see in the mainstream media. They occupy a Holy seat which does NOT belong to them--a seat which was taken by force. This seat is reserved for us, the real tribal people of Israel; and we are loved by YAHSHUA soooooo much (Rev 3:9 + Rev 21:12). ![]() It is now time for the mainstream church to overcome Biblical Racism to "KNOW" Yahshua The True Tribalistic Messiah before it's too late (John 17:3) Now you know the reasons why so many educated pastors, priests, bishops and preachers speak about having the Messiah as your personal Savior and even teaching their congregants that they are to call upon the Savior's Holy name; yet these same clergy members continue to love the LIE -- a man-made Eurocentric version called Jesus over the TRUTH of our tribal Messiah Yahshua. Please wake up! Mainstream churches and theologians are still under the global satanic strong delusion that was prophesied to come (II Thess 2:9-11). We all must work together and help one another return to Full Identity to overcome the strong delusion so that everyone may have equal opportunity to inherit all things (Rev 21:6-7) 1) How can the true Savior be your "personal" Savior if you don't even care to know His true name that only the Creator could give Him (Acts 4:12 + Philippians 2:9-10) ? 2) How can the true Savior be your "personal" Savior if you don't even care to know the name of His tribe that birthed Him into the world (Rev 5:5) ? 3) How can the true Savior be your "personal" Savior if you don't even care to know which ethnic group the tribal people of Judah belongs, according to the scriptures written by His own tribes (I Cor 15:1-4) ? 4) How can the true Savior be your "personal" Savior if you don't even care to know the African History of the Savior's roots when His tribes spent 430 years enslaved in Africa/ Egypt (Exodus 12:40-41) ? 5) How can the true Savior be your "personal" Savior if you don't even care to recognize that the Savior's real 12 tribes of Israel are the same tribal people which spent another 400-year Africa-related enslavement from 1565 to 1965 (Deut 28:68 + Rev 18:13) ? Just another day in the life of Yahshua's Redeemed --Servant Emannu'el Branch. Until our next adventure, always Hallelu-Yah and holla back if you hear me. Get Involved By: a) Writing your own comments to the issue in this blog that are unique, one-of- a-kind, and empowering to readers b) Subscribing, in the box at the top of this page, to our FREE inspiring weekly email updates -- if you haven't already subscribed. Thank You; Love and Peace
7/14/2011 12:22:22 pm
Well 'HalleluYah!!! that's all I have to say.
7/14/2011 06:30:28 pm
The Israelite are the true believers of Yahweh who were enslaved and were all the righteous people to Him and the doctrines were meant for the black Yahshua family.
Sister Tabatha
7/26/2011 01:25:15 pm
I would like to say we must all know the one and true Elohim and his son Yahshua whom he sent. We as black folks should want to know the truth and stop living in this gentile lie. Learning history can only help you grow in knowledge and learning our history can only make you a proud people. Wake up and stop living the gentile lie and the black church needs to stop lying also.
8/8/2011 02:46:35 am
Hello,brothers and sisters,
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February 2022
AuthorServant Emannu'el Branch, a son of Yahweh and one of the redeemed of Yahshua the true Messiah. A sign to help all nations and tongues, without regard to race, color, or gender get prepared to meet the original Creator and Son face-to-face and name-to-name. This is my purpose. Categories