Shalom, Yah-U Sisterhood. If someone said to you, "I need you to write a letter to your Creator," what would you write? I thought about this question for a while and I decided to get out my laptop and get to writing my letter. I pray that this work may bring some insight and comfort to your life. Here goes... Dear Father Yahweh, I have not always been the loving daughter I should have been and have not always listened to your voice when I needed to. I have not always kept your commandments as taught but I do remember the lessons. It is just as it is written, "Train up a child in the way they should go and when he or she is old they will not depart from it" -- Proverbs 22:6 I knew right from wrong and I knew what the word said which were written by your human vessels. Although I may have thought you were far from me, you where there the whole time because you said, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you" Hebrew 13:5. ![]() There were times I feared you not and wanted to do it my way. I finally looked at the woman in the mirror and realized-- I am your creation. For it is written in Psalms 100:3 "Know ye that Yahweh is our Elohim; it is He that has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture." Please forgive me of my past transgressions and my stubborn heart. I want to be a daughter of Yah and I want to serve You, my Creator, and live according to your purpose for my life. I just want to thank You for loving me, Father Yahweh I believe that you, O Yahweh are love; and anyone that dwells in love also dwells in You and You in them. I now know that You dwell within me. ![]() Father Yahweh, I believe and love you with all my heart, mind and soul and with all my strength, just as your word instructs us in Mark 12:30. I will also work to show my sisters the way to You, their true Father, who loves them -- Yahweh our Elohim. Starting now, I will stand up and be the daughter of my heavenly Father [Yahweh], the wife and help-meet to my husband, mother to my beautiful sons I have been blessed with, and will help teach them to be Yahweh fearing men. I write this letter with the renewing of my mind and will not conform to this world that I may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of Yours --my Father--- Yahweh Elohim of The Real Israel. Love, your daughter, Sister Z ![]() Sister Zenji (affectionately known as Sister Z) spearheads the Yahshua University Sisterhood and Sisterhood Blog where she works with other committed Sisters in Yah to create a Safe Haven for new sisters coming into the truth. Among her many titles, duties and responsibilities she is also a devoted wife, mother and friend. She is the wife and help-meet of Servant Emannu'el for more than twenty-three years and counting. Tick tock.
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Cathy Edwards
1/11/2018 09:49:09 pm
What a beautiful letter and if we are all honest - any of us could have penned it. We all struggle with being found worthy of such a great calling as to be called the Daughters of Zion! The King is Coming! We want to be a bride prepared to meet her husband! Much love to you and your dedication to our savior, Yahshua the Messiah!
Sis Z
1/11/2018 10:36:33 pm
Thank you Sis Cathy for your comment and for being a part of the Yah-U sisterhood. Together I am sure we can reach many sisters who are struggling in their everyday walk but will find comfort in knowing they have the support they need here at Yahshua University and the sisterhood. Thank you again for being my sister in Yah! HalleluYah stay blessed my sister.
Betty Staley
1/12/2018 07:36:12 am
Abba YAHWEH is my safe haven, my reaaon for living,the air i breathe,the steps i take.without YAHWEH ELOHIM&YAHSHUA im nothing,im able to do nothing.though i struggle in this walk daily abba YAHWEH &YAHSHUA is right here with me.when im paralyzed he is my wheelchair,whem im drowning he is my life jacket.GLORYYYYYYYY HALLELUUUUUUUYAH!!!!!! OHHHHHH HOW GOOD YAHWEH HAS BEEN TO ME AND IM NOT WORTHY.SOMEBODY BETTER GIVE ELOHIM HIS PRAISE.FATHER I SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR GUIDING ME TO YAHSHUA UNIVERSITY.thank you for putting brother Gabriel into my path to the ark of the yah-u family.servant Emannuel Branch being the in time Oracle has truly been a blessing preparing me a lost sheep,a sinner,a dumb founded individual with many obstacles of stumbling BROTHER is preparing your sheep for the wedding supper of the lamb and im grateful to be aboard the ark.HALLELUYAH ABBA.I JUST GOTTA PRAISE YOU.YOU ARE WORTHY.YES ABBA YES!!!!! Sisters I love you. Im so grateful to have each and everyone of you in my life.lets build this solid foundation and walk it like we talk it.shalom.
Sis Z
1/12/2018 07:47:27 am
Thank you for your comment Sis Betty. Praise Yah for you my sister in this walk to glory to meet our father Yahweh Elohim and his son our Messiah Yahshua. You are an inspiration to all sisters out there taking care of the home front but also teaching your children the true gospel. I am so happy you are a part of this wonderful sisterhood at Yah-U and may we continue together to grow this women's ministry at Yah-U so we too as women have a voice to speak and teach of our creator Yahweh Elohim Yahshua. May this message reach our sisters who are seeking the truth and want to be a part of this sisterhood here at Yah-U.You are a blessing Sis Betty!
Rochelle Weatherspoon
3/6/2018 03:20:42 am
Shalom First Lady Sister Z,
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