"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his WIFE [singular] : and they shall be one flesh"
---Genesis 2:24
---Genesis 2:24
Follow The Yahweh Method: 1 Man + 1 Rib = 1 Wife & 1 Flesh
1. They follow the devil: Pervert Yahweh and Yahshua into a POLYGYNIST (John 15:18-25) 2. No Direct Verse: There is no direct verse that actually says, “Thou shall NOT practice Polygyny”. 3. Holy Men Examples: They use Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon—men who had more than one wife—as their examples. If they could do it, so can we. 4. David’s Punishment Speech: Yahweh was punishing David and said that He would have given David even more and such and such. (II Samuel 12:7-14 vs Deuteronomy 17:17) 5. The 10 Virgin Parable: They misuse the 10 virgins meeting the 1 Bridegroom as a license to be Polygynist. (Matthew 25:1-11) 6. Professing Themselves Wise: They sound scholarly going to the Greek, Latin, Hebrew and being loud and boisterous (Romans 1:21-25) |