Above World-Wide Platform and Pro-Yahshua Services Made Possible By YOU ---Our Monthly Partner
Yahweh does NOT want 10% of your hard-earned income! For this very special ministry, send what you want and can afford--NOT 10% of your income. This is a one time payment today, and is NOT a recurring monthly cost. You decide the amount. If this unique ministry is providing value to you in any way then let's partner together to build the End Time Ark as we strengthen the Yahshua-U Platform to reach the scattered members of the Body of Yahshua The True Messiah worldwide. No greater joy nor job than to be an "active participant" in this high calling, at such a time as this. It is written, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; pray ye therefore the Master of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest" -- (Matthew 9:37-38). Answer the call to become that fellow-laborer sent forth by Yahshua Himself into the harvest fields. Harvest work, at times, will be demanding but very rewarding as we serve to help others to hear the message of the End Time Ark --"Yahshua is The True Messiah; and The World Has to Know!" ---June 22, 1994 3:50 PM (EST) Your monthly partnership places you on the winning side and helps the team meet the behind the scene expenses to expand the needed and ongoing YAHSHUA (worldwide) services below:
You're at the right place at the right time. So, I thank you in advance for your love, commitment and for your important role in helping to build the body and platform of Yahshua with us.
So, hit that 'Partner Now' button; and let's build the life-saving End Time Ark! I am Yahshua’s Redeemed
His End Time Oracle Servant Emannu’el Branch And remember, remember: if you send 10% of your income I will send it back and will rebuke you!! |