Welcome to Classroom 7: Roots of Racism in Scripture
THE SITUATION: The spirit of bigotry, hatred, and racism is now at an all time high and is growing more violent around the world at such a time as this. Believe it or not, it is all part of End Time Prophecy.
THE PROBLEM: Some White people and even some so-called Black people are seen all over the internet talking negative about one another. And some are even using the Bible to justify their hate-filled and negative views, which will cause members of BOTH groups to get cast alive into the Lake of Fire (Rev 19:20). THE SOLUTION: Erase the chalkboard and start from zero. This prophetic class will reveal exactly what the scriptures says is the start, purpose, and the end of bigotry and racism. Only by seeing the truth that comes at the time of the end will any of us overcome the demonic spirit of hate before its too late (Habakkuk 2:2-3). Be shocked to see just how racism is fulfilling key events at the coming of Yahshua The True Messiah. Prepare yourself through this 7 Core Series.