Welcome to Classroom 2:
How to Reconnect to Yahweh: Beyond The 6 Barriers |
THE SITUATION: The Global End Time Trial is about to occur, when the Creator and True Messiah will, literally, visit you and your family members face-to-face and name-to-name, as it is written.
THE PROBLEM: Billions are not prepared to meet the Creator and Messiah face-to-face and name-to-name. Why? Because too many sincere believers put their faith in man-made mainstream doctrines and idols such as Lord, God, Jesus Christ, Allah, Buddah, Jehovah rather than traveling back through time to the original Creator. THE SOLUTION: Yahshua The True Messiah has provided a way to find the real Him. There are six main barriers that every "true worshiper" must go beyond. This class will help you learn what those barriers are and how to break through to the original Father and Son. Prepare yourself through this 7 Core Series. |